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God Is Busy

Subject: : God Is Busy.

Short and sweet straight to the point. I love it.

If you don’t know GOD, don’t make stupid remarks!!!!!!
A young soldier was taking some college courses between assignments.
He had completed 3 tours of duty in Afghanistan.
One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA).

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in.
He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, “GOD, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform… I’ll give you exactly 15 min.”

The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, “Here I am GOD, I’m still waiting.”

It got down to the last couple of minutes when the soldier got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him clean off the platform.
The professor was out cold.

The young soldier went back to his seat and sat there, silently.

The other students were shocked and stunned, and sat there looking on in silence.
The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the soldier and asked,

“What in the world is the matter with you? Why did you do that?”

The young soldier stood up and calmly replied,
“GOD was too busy today protecting soldiers, who are protecting your right to
say stupid crap and act like an idiot. So He sent me.”

The classroom erupted in cheers!



Why I left Islam ; Detroit cop

My Testimony: Why I left Islam

After Reading the Book “WHY WE LEFT ISLAM,” I highly recommended reading to all my e-mail contacts and friends. I love when the truth about Islam is revealed. People in America are blinded by political correctness and lies from our news media, politicians, and liberals. I am attaching my testimony for you to read how I found the truth, JESUS CHRIST!

I am now a Police Chaplain/Missionary. Please check out our Mission Web Page: “missionmobilization.org.” To God be the Glory! God Bless!

In His Grip!

Emery Esse

John 14:6

I had been a Detroit cop for several years when the department started the “Special Response Team” (SRT), a highly trained anti-terrorist SWAT unit. This was my dream! To

me that was the “Marine Corps” of the DPD. (I was a US Marine before joining the DPD). The physical and mental requirements were tough, but I passed and was accepted

on the team. Over 1,000 cops had tried out but only 16 were chosen. We spent the next 14 months in training and were certified by the state of Michigan in policing terrorist


On our first operation, we were called out to deal with a mentally disturbed man pouring gasoline around an apartment building. Patrol officers had originally responded to

the scene. The apartment door opened just a little and they observed the suspect walking in circles, carrying a rifle. A lieutenant, a friend of mine, was then called on the scene.

The gunman fired through the door, killing the lieutenant. SRT was then called out to the scene. I asked if we could pray be- fore going in. My partner, Frank, was angry because I

wanted to pray, but I still prayed asking for God’s protection. We cut off the electricity to the building and shot gas into the apartment before going in

with our gas masks. Frank entered first after breaking down the door with a bunker shield. I was right behind him. The concealed gunman shot Frank missing the metal

trauma plate by inches. Frank’s last words were, “I’m hit” and fell at my feet. I was looking for the gunman’s position and he fired at me. The flash of the rifle revealed him as I saw him getting up to fire again. I pointed my pistol toward him, fired eleven rounds hitting him seven times and killed him. I then ran back to Frank, but Frank was dead. Little did Frank know that day that he would face God. That was a sad time in my life. However my story by no means ends there. Please read on…

I was born and raised a Shiite Muslim. After high school, I joined the Marine Corps. I served 2 1/2 months in Vietnam and after 3 years was promoted to sergeant. In 1970, I married my high school sweetheart. We had a written agreement that our children would be raised Muslim, though my wife was of a totally different religion. One day my sister-in-law and her husband invited my wife and I to a Bible believing church. I went thinking no one in my Muslim family would find out. We heard the gospel preached, and my wife responded by receiving Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Right away I noticed a change in her. When we left the church I asked my wife if she was still going to practice her religion. She replied, “No, I’m not”. I asked her how that could be. She said in her religion she knew of Jesus in her head, but now Jesus was in her heart! I warned her never to show the Bible to our son. The next two years that church continually prayed for me.

Meanwhile, I made life miserable for my wife. I did not let her use the car to go to a church she found a mile away from our home, so she walked regardless of the weather. However, I took our son to the mosque. I was fighting against Jesus! Christian men from her church would

come and talk to me about Jesus, but I tried to ignore them. Then, on August 26, 1975, I had a dream: I was in combat running with another Marine. We jumped into a foxhole and landed in hell at the feet of Satan! It was so real to me. Satan was laughing and pulled out a big knife and started stabbing the guy who was with me. I kept trying to stop him, but he would just laugh. I woke up at 4:30 am, got out of bed, and got down on my knees. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart and save me. As soon as I did that I felt a great burden lifted from my shoulders, and I was filled with joy in my heart. I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

That was the greatest moment of my life. I thank the Lord for dying for a sinner like me. If you read this and don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please ask Him to come into your heart and save you. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8); “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.” (Rom 6:23); “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph 2: 8-9); “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may KNOW that you have eternal life.” (I John 5:13). My favorite Bible verse is John 14:6. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus did not say there is any religion, man, or woman through which there is salvation….just through HIM.

No fool was He BY ; Al Harb A BEAUTIFULL POEM

POEM: No fool was He


No fool was He

Mohammad was no desert fool
A cunning plan had he
To offer self as satans tool
And begin his killing spree



The hated Jews of Banu Qurayzah.
Were the first to feel his wrath
For earlier rejecting him
Setting stumbles on his path

Murder was his primal goal
These Hebrews must all pay
But just as valued the gold he stole
Were the women he could rape

First Victims of Islams Terror is Theier Own Women

Cult of Terror


Next, he turned his sights on loot
For the companions he must bribe
And the caravans that tread their route
Offered booty for his tribe

So out he swept from his desert lair
To rob and plunder all
And build his armies and declare
He’s prophet over all

Now prophets need a God to sate
And allah would do just fine
So the moon god now he’d recreate
To declare his madness as divine

Thus by this process year by year
Did Islam quickly grow
For kissing satans filthy rear
Brought wealth to mighty Mo

Al Harb

Can Humanity co-exist with the religion of Hate (Malsians) ?


I don’t know how many of my articles Readers  have read.  If you read enough you’d know that the reason I think Islam must go is because it is a doctrine that does not allow peaceful coexistence.

Let us say there is a religion with the following teachings. Do Moslim  think they  can have any peaceful co-existence with the followers of that religion?

We will cast terror into the hearts of Muslims. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. 8:12
Let not the non-Muslims take for friends or helpers the Muslims. 3:28,
Rouse the non-Muslims to the fight against Muslims. 8:65,
Then fight and slay the Muslims wherever ye find them, 9:5,
Fight the Muslims, and God will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. 9:14 ,
O ye the non-Muslims take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Islam.9:23,
O ye the non-Muslims! Truly the Muslims are unclean. 9:28,
O ye non-Muslims! fight the Muslims who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you. 9:123,
Therefore, when ye meet the Muslims, smite at their necks; At length. 47:4,

I hope you agree that such religion has no right to exist, that its followers must be re-educated or if they persist they should be separated from the rest of mankind to maintain peace.

This is the 21st century and these educated Muslims believe the Earth is flat because the Quran says so and the Quran cannot be wrong.

Can you have peaceful co-existence with the Malsians whose sacred book mirrors the Quran and incites hatred against the Muslims?  You did not answer this question? Would you say that Malsi religion is a peaceful religion?   

No! Violence is NOT“shared characteristic” of humankind. People become violent when exposed to violent teachings. Yes, violence does also have psychological components, such as greed, envy, anger, etc. all byproducts of low self-esteem. However, crowds have a psychology of their own and they can become violent through external influences.  We do not expect to see violent behavior among a crowd coming out of a church, a synagogue, a Hindu or a Buddhist temple, or a Zoroastrian or a Baha’i gathering. But if I see a crowd coming out of a mosque towards me, I will run as fast as I can.  

Non violent people can become violent when they believe in violent teachings. If religion had no effect in how we humans behave, then what is the point of having religion at all? The very purpose of religion is to influence people and make them do things their way.  If their way is peaceful, the believers are likely to behave peacefully and if it is violent, the believers will act violently.

Let us hear now what proof you can present to make us believe that Muhammad was a genuine, .

How My Fights Started..

How My Fights  Started..

For my son’s  birthday,
we got him a iPod;
4 my second son
we got an iPhone;
4 my B’day I got iPad;
Thinking along the same lines,
4 my wife‘s birthday,
I got her an iRon.

…That’s when the fight started…

My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels..

She asked, ‘What’s on TV?

I said, ‘Dust.’

And than the fight started…

My wife and I were watching “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, “Do you want to have sex?”

“No,” she answered.

I then said, “Is that your final answer?”

She didn’t even look at me this time, simply saying, “Yes.”

So I said, “Then I’d like to phone a friend.”

And then the fight started…..

Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van, and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.

I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife’s back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, “The weather out there is terrible.”

My loving wife of 5 years replied, “Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?”

And that’s how the fight started…
I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn’t believe it…. He was a DWARF!!! He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, “I AM NOT HAPPY!!!”

So, I looked down at him and said, “Well, then which one are you?”

And then the fight started…
My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.

She said, ‘I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds.’

I bought her a bathroom scale.

And then the fight started…

After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver’s License to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman  I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.

The woman said, ‘Unbutton your shirt’. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, ‘That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me’ and she processed my Social Security application.

When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.

She said, ‘You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.’

And then the fight started…

My wife and I were sitting at a table at my school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swinging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.

My wife asked, ‘Do you know her?’

‘Yes,’ I sighed, ‘She’s my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn’t been sober since.’

‘My God!’ says my wife, ‘who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?’

And then the fight started….

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason took my order first. “I’ll have the steak, medium rare, please.”

He said, “Aren’t you worried about the mad cow?”

“Nah, she can order for herself.”

And then the fight started…

A  woman was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She was not happy with what she saw and told  her husband, “I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.’

The husband replied, ‘Your eyesight’s damn near perfect.’

And then the fight started……

How My Fights Started..


Dr Zakir Naik

Image via Wikipedia


“Follow the right path, irrespective of how many people are with you. Don’t reject the truth even if you are alone and whole world is against you, because in the end, it is only truth, which will prevail”

  I wrote an article on Face Book about a  Muhammad: A Cult Leader leader http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=454895685699#!/note.php?note_id=404635110699&comments which was originally written on my Blog Muhammad: A Cult Leader or Muslims are struck in a cult. and after this  note I had a debate with one of reader and he claimed about  Muslims AND Islam that…


  So let me answer that statement in details.

 As Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world, this would mean that at least some point in time Christianity was the fastest growing religion in the world. Does this mean that Christianity is still the one true religion OR was it only the one true religion during the centuries when it was the fastest growing?

Since in the early and mid 20th century, atheism was the fastest growing “belief” in the world, does that mean that there was no God during those decades?

If pork consumption becomes the fastest growing dietary trend in the world, does that mean that God is trying to tell mankind that pork is God’s choice of meat?

  Islam is claimed to be the fastest growing religion by the new cult of Islam and his puppet Dr.  Zakir Naik and his followers. Large section of people inspired by the new messenger can be seen indulged in debating others over the issue of fastest rate of growth of Islam.

  Interestingly, on one hand, Mullahs in countries like India are assuring the people of other faiths about trueness of Islam through their own census, on the other hand, in Muslim countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, murderer  warriors are killing their fellow Moslims for not being true Muslims!

  But, one thing, which makes Islam different from others, is the spectrum of its preachers starting from Mullahs proving Islam through peaceful speeches to Osamas and Kasabs, who implement the peaceful teachings of Islam through their peaceful actions! That’s a part, today, we shall analyze the claims of Moslims about Islam to be the fastest growing religion.

  We will pick one by one the claims of Muslims on why Islam is from God, which we have come across quite often, and will scrutinize those in two ways. Comment “a” below every claim will examine it by assuming the claim to be true. Comment “b” will contain the reality of the claim, whether it is right or wrong.

Islam is best and the only religion from God because…

Claim 1: it has the following of over 1.5 billion and in few years, Islam will become no. 1 surpassing Christianity.

(i) Still the majority is with Christians! If number is the criterion of being best, Christianity is better than Islam. Moreover, we can generalize this logic and say that, since non muslims are 5.5 billions (almost 4 times the muslims), non muslims are better and hence Islam is not from God!

 According to Zakir Naik, sinners in the world are increasing. Readers can watch one of his videos answering a question about reincarnation. This is evident from the deeds of people as well. Everyone can see the moral values going down. People have become more selfish and they are no longer ardent devotees of God, as they happened to be in the past.  

    People are not as truthful as the people of past era used to be. So, the number logic says that lies, selfishness, immorality, and atheism are from God as they are practiced the most! Also, sins and Islam both are increasing simultaneously as per Zakir Naik. So, if one is from God because it is increasing, other would also be from God by the same logic. Wise will conclude the rest!

(iii) What about the time when Muhammad started preaching his philosophy? His religion was neither in majority nor was its rate higher. Should not then Islam automatically fails to qualify the majority/highest rate test at least in past?

 Just like Islam today is claimed to have high growth rate, idolatry was at boom some few thousand years ago. Isn’t then idolatry from God? And everything, which either was/is in majority or had/has highest growth rate should be from God by this logic!

  (v) Since number is so important for Muslims, then, is it not strange that they believe in just One God and one prophet? Why are not polytheists better than Muslims since they believe in more Gods? Or is it that number logic works opposite here? Can anyone enlighten us, in which case this number logic works, in which, it gets reversed, and in which it does not work at all?

 (b). Islam will become number one for sure in terms of population. But the reason behind this is not the people converting to Islam but higher number of babies muslims produce. It is evident from the fact that muslim countries have highest growth rates, which is the result of high birth rates rather than any conversion, since all are already muslims there with nobody to convert.

  Claim 2: more and more people are coming to Islam
(i) Logic of majority/high growth rate has been examined above.
(ii) Islam is the comfort zone for the people fond of lust.  
Was Islam’s “perfect man” sexually restrained? Thus people with lower character accept this opportunity to enjoy 72 virgins forever.Understanding Muhammad & 😉 His Women Sex Slaves. 

 This is the main reason behind most of the conversions to Islam. Muhammad’s Evil Tactics of ‘Virgins in Paradise’ for deceiving Youths http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2347471856#!/note.php?note_id=454895680699

  Moreover, Islam provides complete package of 4 wives and innumerable concubines to the males in this world itself. This makes Islam favorite for many, who are in search of moral justification to have extra marital relationships!

(iii) It’s true that more and more people are accepting Islam but at the same time, many are leaving it too. If accepting Islam by people is seen as truthfulness of it, why not leaving Islam by many people is a proof of its falsehood?

  (b). Zakir Naik says that don’t judge a car by its driver. Thus we should look down to Islamic scriptures to know Islam and not see what the people say or do. One will be called as a muslim only when he does Fard (duty) as per Quran and Hadith.

  (i) Today, most of the muslims of Indian sub continent (I am not sure about other muslim countries) worship graves. and Dead Bodies, Nijamuddin Auliya in Delhi, Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer, Haji Ali in Mumbai, and many others like these are visited by muslims in huge numbers, making these the largest gatherings of muslims anywhere in the world after Hajj.  

   But according to Quran, grave worship is Shirk and Shirk is the only sin, which will not be forgiven! Thus most of the people, who think they are muslims but actually they are not, will go to hell!

  (ii) Praying 5 times a day and fasting in the month of Ramadan is also the duty of a muslim.THIS IS WHAT ALL MUSLIMS RECITE ALL DAY IN THEIR FIVE DAILY SALATS AND FREE TIME  Can Zakir Bhai tell us how many of so-called muslims are actual muslims as per the above condition?

  (iii) Many hadith say that a muslims should not dress like Kafirs. Many places, it is written that a man’s dress should not hang beneath the ankle. If it is, the man will not be entertained by Allah on the day of resurrection! And interestingly, modern-day cult leader  of many muslims,  Zakir himself dresses like Kafirs (wears suit and tie), which has been called Haram by Muhammad!
(iv) Muhammad ordered muslims to grow beard.
The Bearded And Moslim But today, we see hardly any muslim except madrasa bred Mullahs having beard.
In short, it can be concluded from the above points that a muslim is the one, who does not do grave worship, does offer prayers five times a day, fasts for whole month of Ramdan, does not wear cloths like Kafirs i.e. pants, shirts, suit, tie etc, does not wear garment which hangs beneath the ankle, has beard as per Islamic norms etc. And the one, fails to do any one of the above, will burn in hell forever!
There would hardly be few million people, who actually follow the above norms. If this is the case, Islam is actually the fastest declining religion today and has least number of followers among all religions!

  Claim 3: Quran is the most read book of its time
(a). This is yet another logic which many muslims used to give. Again, by this logic, Quran cannot be said as word of God because it was not read as much as other books like Vedas used to be in the past. And today, books like Harry Potter, five point someone etc are read by crores of people, which by number logic, should be from God!

   One can ask that we are discussing religious scriptures and not the fantasy books or novels and hence Quran cannot be compared with these books. But, we should remember that Quran too is full of the stories of angels, Jinns, Satan, flying donkey, splitting of moon, birth of a baby without father, weeping of trees, stones talking to man, sky as roof supported by invisible pillars, seven skies, heaven, hell, pre decided fates etc.

  So, for a sensible person, there is hardly any difference between Quran and the stories of Ali Baba Chalis Chor! We have categorically analyzed Quran in our previous articles and we have shown that why cannot Quran be from God. Readers are requested to go through the articles listed under the section “analysis of Islam” in our site.

(b). Indeed, Quran is the most read book in the name of religion, but it is the most hated book of its time as well! So, it cannot be from God since its haters are more than its lovers.

  Claim 4: Quran is the only text on the face of the earth, which is free from any tampering
(a). By this logic, every article on this Blog  is from God, and SAM HINDU is Profate  since no tampering whatsoever has been done in my writing.

  (b). Actually, this claim of muslims regarding perfectness of Quran is a hoax. There is a dispute among muslim scholars regarding the exact number of verses in Quran. Everyone knows that Shia muslims consider this current Quran to be incomplete and they believe in a Quran, which they say original, which is composed of 17000 verses, but is not available today.

   In other sects of Islam, some people estimate about 6236 verses, some say 6349, some even claim 6666! Many even say that some verses were from Satan instead of Allah! After this much of contravention, how can one claim Quran to be free from any interpolation?

   Moreover, current Quran was compiled much later after the death of Muhammad by his followers, who were fighting each other to spread the message of religion of peace!. In these circumstances, who can believe in the claims of Quran to be unchanged from its beginning?

  Claim 5: many fake Hindu saints  like self-proclaimed title of  Shankaracharya of Banaras  has openly announced Muhammad to be the last prophet and Quran to be the final word for whole humanity.

(i) First of all, we would like to know, can a Hindu Shankaracharya, who is a Kafir and believes in idol worship, become source of inspiration for muslims to believe in Islam? If that be so, why not idol worship be accepted by muslims as holy work since Shankaracharya does it?
(ii) Bringing a Hindu preacher in an Islamic gathering is itself against the doctrines of Islam. So, the muslims including Zakir Naik should do Tauba for committing this sin. Since muslims are not to believe in the words of Kafir, Shankaracharya should not be taken seriously in the matters of Deen! Hence Islam is not from God.

 Why do Moslims need other religion Priest and Saints to acknowledge and promote and propaganda  Islam ?  it means you as a Moslim you don’t trust your own scriptures and message.

  A clarification and correction on fake Shankaracharya.

  (b). There is no Shankar Math and hence no Shankaracharya in Banaras by the way!

  Claim 6: many famous scientists have embraced Islam.

  (a). All the scientists were/are non muslims. Thus, if scientists are to be followed, Islam is not from God!
(b). The fame of those famous scientists is yet to reach non muslims and intellectuals! We are trying to
contact IRF regarding these famous (?) scientists but have got no response.

  Claim 7: Islam is being accepted by many people in west. Number of women converting to Islam is higher than men. This is the biggest proof that Islam gives highest respect to women. Understanding Muhammad & 😉 His Women Sex Slaves.
(a). People of west do many more things like drinking, open sex, multiple partners for both man and woman etc. Do Moslims accept these deeds also right? If not, how can the decision of such people accepting Islam be said right? Hence Islam is not from God! In Pakistan, women are called awra. or Aurat means Vagina..

(b). People of west are really coming to Islamic ideology! That is why Zakir Naik has been banned from even entering in Canada and UK. May be, westerns have become so much Islamic that they don’t require outside preachers preach Islam anymore!

  Claim 8: Miracle of Kaba being center of the earth has been proven scientifically.
(a). If Kaba is at the center, how does it prove trueness of Islam? Kaba was built by Ibrahim, who was the father of Jewish people. Should not then this miracle of Kaba being the center of earth proves trueness of Judaism instead of Islam?

  Kaba was a Hindu temple and i have written an article on my Face Book Notes.http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2347471856#!/note.php?note_id=454895680699

(i)Anyway, this is the most foolish thing one can claim! Earth is almost spherical and its center lies inside it. How can Kaba be at the center? Can the center of a sphere lie on its surface? Even if one talks about the surface, every point on the surface of a sphere is geometrically same.

   Then what is so special about Kaba?
(ii) The scientists, who claimed it, must be Madarsa alumni because science has not become advanced enough to shift the center of gravity of earth from its center to its surface! Of course, Madarsas have the technology of “Kun Fayakun”, which is unique solution to every problem and above all, Allah knows the best!

 Claim 9: Miracles of Allah are seen even in animals and birds. For example many goats, cows have been found to have name of Allah and Muhammad written on their backs. Many crows, dogs, and donkeys have been seen to call “Allah Allah”. One can type “miracles of Islam” in youtube and find hundreds of such videos.

  (a). It seems that the testimonies of famous (?) scientists, Moulvis, and Shankaracharya were not enough to prove Islam best. Hence people have started giving testimonies of animals in order to show superiority of Islam. Wise choose the path, which other wiser people have chosen. But in Islam, it is other way round. Muslims argue that we should accept Islam because animals say “Allah Allah”!

  Again the question arises, can deeds of animals be the bench mark for humans? If that be so, why do muslims wear cloths, go to schools/Madarsas, accept the marriage bond, work in offices, wash hands, take bath….? Moreover not all animals say Allah! So again, by number logic, Islam is not from God! Anyway, we give advice to Zakir and his followers, not to follow animals, but follow intelligent.

 (b). In reality, the videos of such miracles of Allah are nothing more than the laughter shows! Readers can themselves see those videos and get a heavy dose of laughter. Those videos are even more entertaining than those of stage performer Zakir Naik. All I can say, it is the biggest mockery of Islam and Allah by muslims themselves in the name of miracles.

  Claim 10: People are leaving other religions to accept Islam but no muslim leaves Islam.
(a). This is obvious as Islam orders to kill the one, who leaves it. This is the reason why is Islam a one way trap, in which one can enter but cannot come out. Biggest reason behind this is the coward mentality of muslims of not allowing non muslims to preach in their countries. One can see heights of fanaticism of Muslims that they want freedom of speech in every country and they enjoy converting others. But they don’t have guts to let others preach their religion among muslims.

 (b). This claim is false though! There have been great scholars within Islam, who openly criticized many doctrines of it. For example, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the biggest Islamic educationist of India, founder of Aligarh Muslim University, openly denied the existence of Satan. He criticized many other beliefs as well and as a result, fatwa was issued that he is a Kafir!

  Anwar Shaikh, another eminent scholar of Islam from Pakistan, calls Islam, “The Arab Imperialism”! He was cremated instead of burying as per his wish to die as Vedic follower. He was very proud of his Vedic culture and ancestors.

  Another notable scholar from Pakistan is Ghulam Jelani Barq, who completely rejected the hadith! He was also listed as Kafir by the mullahs.

 Today, Ali Sina, Parvin Darabi, Wafa Sultan, Parvez Hoodbhoy, Tariq Ali, Imam Mehboob Ali, and many more are criticizing Islam greater than any non muslim. They all were born in Islamic families. So according to this logic, Islam is false because many scholars have left it!

After analyzing these claims, we can conclude that fanatics like Zakir Naik are spreading the hoax of Islamic superioritySuperiority complex is a mask to hide one’s inferiority complex. ( Islamic invention )  based on their own false census of highest conversion rate. People are being fooled by the so-called experts of comparative religion in the name of childish logic, self created census, and science.

We have seen that how mocking was it to claim Islam best because some animals said “Allah Allah”. In the end, we request everyone to think rationally and then take a decision. Crowded place should not be the destination of intellectuals. Rather, it should be based on logic and morality.

  “Follow the right path, irrespective of how many people are with you. Don’t reject the truth even if you are alone and whole world is against you, because in the end, it is only truth, which will prevail”

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Character of Mad Muhammad & Biased God


Muslim claims that Quran is revealed to the Mohammad from the Allah. But any sensible person who is able to think freely can see the hatred instructed in Quran by Allah towards non-muslim, which proves that Allah is biased and biased God is no God.

This LINES ARE  the mere collection of complete lines from  authentic Islamic texts, Quran and Hadith. The lines from  Islamic texts describe the character of  Muhammad. This WORK  contains only the quotes of authentic Islamic texts like Quran, Hadith etc. with WORK,  and sura.

 There are translations of the Quran and Hadiths, by Muslims themselves, so Muslims cannot claim that there has been deliberate tampering of the text by infidel translators. Since, the majority of Muslims are not Arabs, and majority of muslims do not know Arabic.

 So a majority of Muslims also have to rely on translations. But if still they claim that this is not the translation of this verse they should claim it to the translator. If they say this is not authentic they should give the real verse to that translator who is totally devoted to Islam.

1.Muhammad married and had sex with 09 year old girl named Ayesha.
2.Muhammad kept his daughter–in-law without marriage. AND RAPED HER AND MADE HES SEX SLAVE.
3.Muhammad encouraged suicide attacks.
4.Muhammad approved prostitution.
5.Muhammad recommended wife- beating and he also beat his favourite CHILD wife Ayesha.
6.Muhammad killed unconditionally surrendered prisoners of war.
7.Muhammad: A Terrorist
8.Muhammad captured LOTS OF  women and raped THEM.
He encouraged the rape of women in front of their husbands.
9.Muhammad said no to friendship with Christians and Jews.
10.Muhammad proscribed death for ALL the Muslim who converts to another religion.
10  Muhammad told sick persons to heal themselves by drinking camel urine.
12. Muhammad told beat children who do not pray.
13. Muhammad had 11 wives at one time. AND 24 SEX SLAVES.
14. Muhammad permitted Muslims to steal from nonmuslims.
15.Muhammad recommended hate for the people of all religion.
16.Muhammad extorted money from other religions.
17. Muhammad advocated force conversions in to Islam.
18. Muhammad‘s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews.
19.Muhammad told women are worth less than a man.
20. The Death of `Asma’ Bint Marwan.
21 Muhammad told Muslims to tell lie.
22.Muhammad was a looter demanded 20% from loot.
23.Muhammad ordered muslims not to ask question

Mad Mohammad, What an Irony?



One of the common names in Islam is the name after their prophet, almost one out every four Muslim is Mohammed

 One wonders   if these people that name their children after the name of Mohammed really know the man Mohammed. Perhaps they considered all those life of Piracy, raids, terrorism, wars, murder, assassination of opponents, raping of slave girls, polygamy, adultery, carried out by Mohammed were considered a kind of complement of a prophet.

This is a man who never gave a single proof that he was actually a prophet of the order of the Jewish prophet. Yet had committed the most  horrific evil man had ever committed in the name of religion sin the world began, yet People love and  long to name their children after the name of the this man, what an irony?

This man says is just a wormer, he does not know the way to heaven and always pray for the God to show him the right path. This is a man that taught his people that God has predestined everyone either for heaven or hell and that you have no control where you will be whether in heaven or hell yet he want his followers to kill the infidel for what is not the fault of the infidel not to believe.

What kind of logic is that? This is a man that approves all the pagan outward and legalistic rituals as a must for his followers, if they must go to heaven yet he bastardised the Moral standard set forth by the God of the Jews whom he said was his God too by not obeying any moral code of ethic even the ones created by him.



BY :  Ali Khalaf

Many non muslims get impressed when they see muslims praying salats at all hours of day and night chanting and reciting quranic verses.

They think they are such spiritual and holy bunch. Little do they know that their chants and recitals are far from spiritual and are actually sex-talk, badmouthings of infidels and women , cursing and threats of violence and stupid childish meaningless statements about heavenly bodies and old prophets..

Here is a sampling of quranic ayas they are chanting in salats and all religious ceremonies including blessings they are invited to give in infidel inaugurations..




(4.3, 4.24,23.6,33.50,70.30) (No first cousins and one night stands with volunteers for them, that privilege was only for (Mohammad)






2.223,65.4, 4.24 4.34


4.3, 4.24, 23.6, 33.50, 70.30



5.59,8.22 8.55, 9.5,9.28, 16.39,95.5 AND MANY MORE


9.5, 4.15, 4.16, 4.89 and 160+





7.73,77;54.23,54.27,29,30,31; 91.11,13,14










(Why then muslims have him as a man cow when Christians claim him to be a God)


36.38, 71.016 (This great discovery was made by , Alexander, the great muslim general after he went to the end of the world )

071.016 : ( Moon is a lamp emitting light every night)


67.5, 37.6 (Stars have dual purpose. They are lights attached to the lowest sky for decoration. But when the satan try to spy on Allah, Allah uses them as missiles to shoot the vermin down).


2.22, 13.2, 50.6,7 22.65

(Allah made a roof for the earth on top which he stores water. He also ensured that the solid roof has no cracks . Since there are no pillars built on earth to hold the roof , Allah uses his miraculous powers to hold it in suspension and prevents it falling on earth).

Q. 78.6-7

(Allah stretched out earth flat like carpet and built mountains as pegs to hold the carpet flat and in place lest it will move, fold or ripple)


33.72 (Allah created earth, mountains and sky as it’s solid roof and humans on earth. Then he offered islam to all of them. Earth mountains and sky refused to become muslims , perhaps they felt that they will not be able to meet islam’s obligation of salat fasting and Haj.. Only humans accepted islam but even they couldn’t be good muslims )


Is it Muslim or Moslem?



Is it Muslim or Moslem?

When Baby Boomers were children it was Moslem. The American Heritage Dictionary (1992) noted, “Moslem is the form predominantly preferred in journalism and popular usage. Muslim is preferred …by scholars and by… English-speaking adherents of Islam.” No more. Now, almost everybody uses Muslim.

According to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, “Moslem and Muslim are basically two different spellings for the same word.” But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam. Whereas for most English speakers, the two words are synonymous in meaning, the Arabic roots of the two words are very different. A Muslim in Arabic means “one who gives himself to God,” and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means “one who is evil and unjust” when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z.

For others, this spelling differentiation is merely a linguistic matter, with the two spellings a result of variation in transliteration methods. Both Moslem and Muslim are used as nouns. But some writers use Moslem when the word is employed as an adjective.

Journalists switched to Muslim from Moslem in recent years under pressure from Islamic groups. But the use of the word Moslem has not entirely ceased. Established institutions which used the older form of the name have been reluctant to change. The American Moslem Foundation is still the American Moslem Foundation (much as the NAACP is still the NAACP–the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The journal The Moslem World–published by the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut–is still The Moslem World.

A Muslim in Arabic means “one who gives himself to God,” and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means “one who is evil and unjust” when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a… z.

I prefer to use word Moslem because they are pure
evil.. get it …..
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