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Liberals cry that is racist and un American. How do you see it that way.??

Some Times By : SAM Hindu

Liberals cry that is racist and un American. How do you see it that way.??

Tulsi Gabbard is climbing the nomination by days and seeing how these Liberals are acting really shows something.

I am all for immigrants coming to work, but come in our country legally!

Any other country would have you killed.

We have given them money help, housing assistance, food stamps, medical, and child care when they make a lot a month, but conveniently have no way to prove it because they are paid under the table.

We need these benefits to go to citizens and people with proper documentation who help pay for them.

These illegals that don’t pay taxes should get no services.

$113 billion a year goes to these immigrants.

I believe my tax payer money should go to people who also help pay taxes!!

Build the wall, put more border patrol on duty if needed then employ our military coming home so they can be utilized based on their military experience and not have to come home where there is no employment for them.

And only potus veteran Tulsi Gabbard will deliver that.

What about creating some form of deterrence beneath the wall since they are creating tunnels to cross the border.

We had A spineless Presidents in office for so long that a lot of people don’t even know right from wrong anymore!!

Today I saw a Liberal complaining about a temporary ban on Muslims being allowed into America..

These are the same people that are coming from countries where a lot of people hate us and want us and our loved ones dead..

Liberals cry that is racist and un American.

How do you see it that way.??

To me it shows we finally have a President that will help protect us and our loved ones.

If donkeyCrats want to win White House only person capable to win is Potus Gabbard.

Do not forget Potus Trump beat the shit out of 23 opponents and won fare and square

These Liberals March against President Trump carry stupid signs wear stupid symbols on their heads and around their face..

And the same like Kamla Harris and socialist punk Bernie supporters who wants to hand out everything free to all who vote for them so they can have lazy society.

Call him all kinds of names for what??

Think about this for one moment if you are able to see the forest through the trees!!!!!

If you have daughters,granddaughters,mother, sisters,aunts,female friends that you love and would protect no matter what and who would you rather have ?

someone that will help try to keep bad evil men away from them or someone that doesn’t bother because fools will call them racist or all the other names that is going around.

I Want someone with backbone to at least try to help..

So many Americans have become so pissed off.

I wonder if most of them would even stand to protect their loved ones.

Hey Liberals if some radical Muslim threatens your daughters do you think if you offer a hug and love they will move on???

Think use the brain you were born with.

America or the world won’t end because we will stop people coming into America from countries that are breeding harm to us..

It’s for a limited time till a better way to get them..

So take your vagina hats off and stop calling our President all kinds of stupid filthy names and grow up!!

Dang it ! I thought I was the only genius around here.

But now I find out that there is one out there better than me. Trump !