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why Havan is most sacred ritual in Hinduism

Denigration of Hindu sacred symbols has become a fashion in Bollywood. Recent example is ‘Havan Kund maston ka jhund’, a song from the movie Bhag Milkha Bhag. 

Is Havan really a useless ritual that can be mocked by anyone in the name of freedom of expression or art? 

This article by Agniveer in Hindi explains that why Havan is most sacred ritual in Hinduism and why is it the duty of every human to perform Havan.

 This is to show how Havan is the source of all happiness and bliss in both material and spiritual world. Read this, know your roots..

हवन / यज्ञ/ अग्निहोत्र मनुष्यों के साथ सदा से चला आया है। हिन्दू धर्म में सर्वोच्च स्थान पर विराजमान यह हवन आज प्रायः एक आम आदमी से दूर है। दुर्भाग्य से इसे केवल कुछ वर्ग, जाति और धर्म तक सीमित कर दिया गया है। कोई यज्ञ पर प्रश्न कर रहा है तो कोई मजाक। इस लेख का उद्देश्य जनमानस को यह याद दिलाना है कि हवन क्यों इतना पवित्र है, क्यों यज्ञ करना न सिर्फ हर इंसान का अधिकार है बल्कि कर्त्तव्य भी है. यह लेख किसी विद्वान का नहीं, किसी सन्यासी का नहीं, यह लेख १०० करोड़ हिंदुओं ही नहीं बल्कि ७ अरब मनुष्यों के प्रतिनिधि एक साधारण से इंसान का है जिसमें हर नेक इंसान अपनी छवि देख सकता है. यह लेख आप ही के जैसे एक इंसान के हृदय की आवाज है जिसे आप भी अपने हृदय में महसूस कर सकेंगे..

हवन- मेरी आस्था

हिंदू धर्म में सर्वोपरि पूजनीय वेदों और ब्राह्मण ग्रंथों में यज्ञ/हवन की क्या महिमा है, उसकी कुछ झलक इन मन्त्रों में मिलती है-

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्. होतारं रत्नधातमम् [ ऋग्वेद १/१/१/]

समिधाग्निं दुवस्यत घृतैः बोधयतातिथिं. आस्मिन् हव्या जुहोतन. [यजुर्वेद 3/1]

अग्निं दूतं पुरो दधे हव्यवाहमुप ब्रुवे. [यजुर्वेद 22/17]

सायंसायं गृहपतिर्नो अग्निः प्रातः प्रातः सौमनस्य दाता. [अथर्ववेद 19/7/3]

प्रातः प्रातः गृहपतिर्नो अग्निः सायं सायं सौमनस्य दाता. [अथर्ववेद 19/7/4]

तं यज्ञं बर्हिषि प्रौक्षन् पुरुषं जातमग्रतः [यजुर्वेद 31/9]

अस्मिन् यज्ञे स्वधया मदन्तोधि ब्रुवन्तु तेवन्त्वस्मान [यजुर्वेद 19/58]

यज्ञो वै श्रेष्ठतमं कर्म [शतपथ ब्राह्मण 1/7/1/5]

यज्ञो हि श्रेष्ठतमं कर्म [तैत्तिरीय 3/2/1/4]

यज्ञो अपि तस्यै जनतायै कल्पते, यत्रैवं विद्वान होता भवति [ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण १/२/१]

यदैवतः स यज्ञो वा यज्याङ्गं वा.. [निरुक्त ७/४]

इन मन्त्रों में निहित अर्थ और प्रार्थनाएं इस लेख के अंत में दिए जायेंगे जिन्हें पढकर कोई भी व्यक्ति खुद हवन करके अपना और औरों का भला कर सकता है. पर इन मन्त्रों का निचोड़ यह है कि ईश्वर मनुष्यों को आदेश करता है कि हवन/यज्ञ संसार का सर्वोत्तम कर्म है, पवित्र कर्म है जिसके करने से सुख ही सुख बरसता है.

यही नहीं, भगवान श्रीराम को रामायण में स्थान स्थान पर ‘यज्ञ करने वाला’ कहा गया है. महाभारत में श्रीकृष्ण सब कुछ छोड़ सकते हैं पर हवन नहीं छोड़ सकते. हस्तिनापुर जाने के लिए अपने रथ पर निकल पड़ते हैं, रास्ते में शाम होती है तो रथ रोक कर हवन करते हैं. अगले दिन कौरवों की राजसभा में हुंकार भरने से पहले अपनी कुटी में हवन करते हैं. अभिमन्यु के बलिदान जैसी भीषण घटना होने पर भी सबको साथ लेकर पहले यज्ञ करते हैं. श्रीकृष्ण के जीवन का एक एक क्षण जैसे आने वाले युगों को यह सन्देश दे रहा था कि चाहे कुछ हो जाए, यज्ञ करना कभी न छोड़ना.

जिस कर्म को भगवान स्वयं श्रेष्ठतम कर्म कहकर करने का आदेश दें, वो कर्म कर्म नहीं धर्म है. उसका न करना अधर्म है.

हवन- मेरा जीवन

मेरा जन्म हुआ तो हवन हुआ. पहली बार मेरे केश कटे तो हवन हुआ. मेरा नामकरण हुआ तो हवन हुआ. जन्मदिन पर हवन हुआ, गृह प्रवेश पर हवन हुआ, मेरे व्यवसाय का आरम्भ हुआ तो हवन हुआ, मेरी शादी हुई तो हवन हुआ, बच्चे हुए तो हवन हुआ, संकट आया तो हवन हुआ, खुशियाँ आईं तो हवन हुआ. एक तरह से देखूं तो हर बड़ा काम करने से पहले हवन हुआ. किस लिए? क्योंकि मेरी एक आस्था है कि हवन कर लूँगा तो भगवान साथ होंगे. मैं कहीं भी रहूँगा, भगवान साथ होंगे. कितनी भी कठिन परिस्थिति हों, भगवान मुझे हारने नहीं देंगे. हवन कुंड में डाली गयी एक एक आहुति मेरे जीवन रूपी अग्नि को और विस्तार देगी, उसे ऊंचा उठाएगी. इस जीवन की अग्नि में सारे पाप जलकर स्वाहा होंगे और मेरे सत्कर्मों की सुगंधि सब दिशाओं में फैलेगी. मैं हार और विफलताओं के सारे बीज इस हवन कुंड की अग्नि में जलाकर भस्म कर डालता हूँ ताकि जीत और सफलता मेरे जीवन के हिस्से हों. इस विश्वास के साथ हवन मेरे जीवन के हर काम में साथ होता है.

हवन- मेरी मुक्ति

हवन कुंड की आग, उसमें स्वाहा होती आहुतियाँ और आहुति से और प्रचंड होने वाली अग्नि. जीवन का तेज, उसमें डाली गयीं शुभ कर्मों की आहुतियाँ और उनसे और अधिक चमकता जीवन! क्या समानता है! हवन क्या है? अपने जीवन को उजले कर्मों से और चमकाने का संकल्प! अपने सब पाप, छल, विफलता, रोग, झूठ, दुर्भाग्य आदि को इस दिव्य अग्नि में जला डालने का संकल्प! हर नए दिन में एक नयी उड़ान भरने का संकल्प, हर नयी रात में नए सपने देखने का संकल्प! उस ईश्वर रूपी अग्नि में खुद को आहुति बनाके उसका हो जाने का संकल्प, उस दिव्य लौ में अपनी लौ लगाने का संकल्प और इस संसार के दुखों से छूट कर अग्नि के समान ऊपर उठ मुक्त होने का संकल्प! हवन मेरी सफलता का आर्ग है. हवन मेरी मुक्ति का मार्ग है, ईश्वर से मिलाने का मार्ग है. मेरे इस मार्ग को कोई रोक नहीं सकता.

हवन- मेरा भाग्य

लोग अशुभ से डरते हैं. किसी पर साया है तो किसी पर भूत प्रेत. किसी पर किसी ने जादू कर दिया है तो किसी के ग्रह खराब हैं. किसी का भाग्य साथ नहीं देता तो कोई असफलताओं का मारा है. क्यों? क्योंकि जीवन में संकल्प नहीं है. हवन कुंड के सामने बैठ कर उसकी अग्नि में आहुति डालते हुए इदं न मम कहकर एक बार अपने सब अच्छे बुरे कर्मों को उस ईश्वर को समर्पित कर दो. अपनी जीत हार उस ईश्वर के पल्ले बाँध दो. एक बार पवित्र अग्नि के सामने अपने संकल्प की घोषणा कर दो. एक बार कह दो कि अब हार भी उसकी और जीत भी उसकी, मैंने तो अपना सब उसे सौंप दिया. तुम्हारी हर हार जीत में न बदल जाए तो कहना. हर सुबह हवन की अग्नि में इदं न मम कहकर अपने काम शुरू करना और फिर अगर तुम्हे दुःख हो तो कहना. जिस घर में हवन की अग्नि हर दिन प्रज्ज्वलित होती है वहाँ अशुभ और हार के अँधेरे कभी नहीं टिकते. जिस घर में पवित्र अग्नि विराजमान हो उस घर में विनाश/अनिष्ट कभी नहीं हो सकता.

हवन- मेरा स्वास्थ्य

आस्था और भक्ति के प्रतीक हवन को करने के विचार मन में आते ही आत्मा में उमड़ने वाला ईश्वर प्रेम वैसा ही है जैसे एक माँ के लिए उसके गर्भस्थ अजन्मे बच्चे के प्रति भाव! न जिसको कभी देखा न सुना, तो भी उसके साथ एक कभी न टूटने वाला रिश्ता बन गया है, यही सोच सोच कर मानसिक आनंद की जो अवस्था एक माँ की होती है वही अवस्था एक भक्त की होती है. इस हवन के माध्यम से वह अपने अजन्मे अदृश्य ईश्वर के प्रति भाव पैदा करता है और उस अवस्था में मानसिक आनंद के चरम को पहुँचता है. इस चरम आनंद के फलस्वरूप मन विकार मुक्त हो जाता है. मस्तिष्क और शरीर में श्रेष्ठ रसों (होर्मोंस) का स्राव होता है जो पुराने रोगों का निदान करता है और नए रोगों को आने नहीं देता. हवन करने वाले के मानसिक रोग दस पांच दिनों से ज्यादा नहीं टिक सकते.

हवन में डाली जाने वाली सामग्री (ध्यान रहे, यह सामग्री आयुर्वेद के अनुसार औषधि आदि गुणों से युक्त जड़ी बूटियों से बनी हो) अग्नि में पड़कर सर्वत्र व्याप्त हो जाती है. घर के हर कोने में फ़ैल कर रोग के कीटाणुओं का विनाश करती है. वैज्ञानिक शोध से पता चला है कि हवन से निकलने वाला धुआँ हवा से फैलने वाली बीमारियों के कारक इन्फेक्शन करने वाले बैक्टीरिया (विषाणु) को नष्ट कर देता है. अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर जाइए- http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2009-08-17/health/28188655_1_medicinal-herbs-havan-nbri

विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) के अनुसार दुनिया भर में साल भर में होने वाली ५७ मिलियन मौत में से अकेली १५ मिलियन (२५% से ज्यादा) मौत इन्ही इन्फेक्शन फैलाने वाले विषाणुओं से होती हैं! हवन करने से केवल ये बीमारियाँ ही नहीं, और भी बहुत सी बीमारी खत्म होती हैं, जैसे-

१. सर्दी/जुकाम/नजला

२. हर तरह का बुखार

३. मधुमेह (डायबिटीज/शुगर)

४. टीबी (क्षय रोग)

५. हर तरह का सिर दर्द

६. कमजोर हड्डियां

७. निम्न/उच्च रक्तचाप

८. अवसाद (डिप्रेशन)

इन रोगों के साथ साथ विषम रोगों में भी हवन अद्वितीय है, जैसे

९. मूत्र संबंधी रोग

१०. श्वास/खाद्य नली संबंधी रोग

११. स्प्लेनिक अब्सेस

१२. यकृत संबंधी रोग

१३. श्वेत रक्त कोशिका कैंसर

१४. Infections by Enterobacter Aerogenes

१५. Nosocomial Infections

१६. Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis

१७. nosocomial non-life-threatening infections

और यह सूची अंतहीन है! सौ से भी ज्यादा आम और खास रोग यज्ञ थैरेपी से ठीक होते हैं! सबसे बढ़कर हवन से शरीर, मन, वातावरण, परिस्थितियों और भाग्य पर अद्भुत प्रभाव होता है. घर परिवार, बच्चे बड़े सबके उत्तम स्वास्थ्य, आरोग्य और भाग्य के लिए यज्ञ से बढ़कर कुछ नहीं हो सकता! दिन अगर यज्ञ से शुरू हो तो कुछ अशुभ हो नहीं सकता, कोई रोग नहीं हो सकता.

हवन- मेरा सबकुछ

यज्ञ/हवन से सम्बंधित कुछ मन्त्रों के भाव सरल शब्दों में कुछ ऐसे हैं

– इस सृष्टि को रच कर जैसे ईश्वर हवन कर रहा है वैसे मैं भी करता हूँ.

– यह यज्ञ धनों का देने वाला है, इसे प्रतिदिन भक्ति से करो, उन्नति करो.

– हर दिन इस पवित्र अग्नि का आधान मेरे संकल्प को बढाता है.

– मैं इस हवन कुंड की अग्नि में अपने पाप और दुःख फूंक डालता हूँ.

– इस अग्नि की ज्वाला के समान सदा ऊपर को उठता हूँ.

– इस अग्नि के समान स्वतन्त्र विचरता हूँ, कोई मुझे बाँध नहीं सकता.

– अग्नि के तेज से मेरा मुखमंडल चमक उठा है, यह दिव्य तेज है.

– हवन कुंड की यह अग्नि मेरी रक्षा करती है.

– यज्ञ की इस अग्नि ने मेरी नसों में जान डाल दी है.

– एक हाथ से यज्ञ करता हूँ, दूसरे से सफलता ग्रहण करता हूँ.

– हवन के ये दिव्य मन्त्र मेरी जीत की घोषणा हैं.

– मेरा जीवन हवन कुंड की अग्नि है, कर्मों की आहुति से इसे और प्रचंड करता हूँ.

– प्रज्ज्वलित हुई हे हवन की अग्नि! तू मोक्ष के मार्ग में पहला पग है.

– यह अग्नि मेरा संकल्प है. हार और दुर्भाग्य इस हवन कुंड में राख बने पड़े हैं.

– हे सर्वत्र फैलती हवन की अग्नि! मेरी प्रसिद्धि का समाचार जन जन तक पहुँचा दे!

– इस हवन की अग्नि को मैंने हृदय में धारण किया है, अब कोई अँधेरा नहीं.

– यज्ञ और अशुभ वैसे ही हैं जैसे प्रकाश और अँधेरा. दोनों एक साथ नहीं रह सकते.

– भाग्य कर्म से बनते हैं और कर्म यज्ञ से. यज्ञ कर और भाग्य चमका ले!

– इस यज्ञ की अग्नि की रगड़ से बुद्धियाँ प्रज्ज्वलित हो उठती हैं.

– यह ऊपर को उठती अग्नि मुझे भी उठाती है.

– हे अग्नि! तू मेरे प्रिय जनों की रक्षा कर!

– हे अग्नि! तू मुझे प्रेम करने वाला साथी दे. शुभ गुणों से युक्त संतान दे!

– हे अग्नि! तू समस्त रोगों को जड़ से काट दे!

– अब यह हवन की अग्नि मेरे सीने में धधकती है, यह कभी नहीं बुझ सकती.

– नया दिन, नयी अग्नि और नयी जीत.

हे मानवमात्र! हृदय पर हाथ रखकर कहना, क्या दुनिया में कोई दूसरी चीज इन शब्दों का मुकाबला कर सकती है? इस तरह के न जाने कितने चमत्कारी, रोगनाशक, बलवर्धक और जीत के मन्त्रों से यह हवन की प्रक्रिया भरी पड़ी है. जिंदगी की सब समस्याओं का नाश करने वाली और सुखों का अमृत पिलाने वाली यह हवन क्रिया मेरी संस्कृति का हिस्सा है, धर्म का हिस्सा है, आध्यात्म का हिस्सा है, यह सोच कर गर्व से सीना फूल जाता है. हवन मेरे लिए कोई कर्मकांड नहीं है. यह परमेश्वर का आदेश है, श्रीराम की मर्यादा की धरोहर है. श्रीकृष्ण की बंसी की तान है, रण क्षेत्र में पाञ्चजन्य शंख की गुंजार है, अधर्म पर धर्म की जीत की घोषणा है. हवन मेरी जीत का संकल्प है, मेरी जीत की मुहर है. मैं इसे कभी नहीं छोडूंगा.

अग्निवीर घोषणा करता है कि अब हम हर घर में हवन करेंगे और करवाएंगे. न जाति का बंधन होगा और न मजहब की बेडियाँ. न रंग न नस्ल न स्त्री पुरुष का भेद. अब हर इंसान हवन करेगा, सुखी होगा!

जो कोई भी व्यक्ति- हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, सिख, ईसाई, बौद्ध, यहूदी, नास्तिक या कोई भी, हवन करना चाहता है, संकल्प करना चाहता है, वह यहाँ इस लिंक पर जाकर मंगा सकता है। कोई जाति धर्म- मजहब या लिंग का भेद नहीं है।


Best Wishes
Team Agniveer

Agniveer | In Pursuit of Satya


Ram Setu. A truth



Rama's Bridge. A subset of Landsat 5 TM true c...

Rama’s Bridge. A subset of Landsat 5 TM true color composite of Rama’s bridge or Ram Setu (referred by British cartographers as Adam’s Bridge). Path 142 Row 54; Bands 742 (RGB); Resolution 30 meter. Original image acquired on 6 February, 1988 at 4:42:00 GMT. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Ram Setu Bandh ( Bridge ) and Lord Rama took birth at the end of Trta Yuga and Begining of Dwapar Yuga some 8,64000 Plus Krishna era or Kaliyuga i.e 7571 years ( 5561 BC +2010 AC = 7571 ) Ago Hinduism: Age of the earth according to Vedic chronology and Dating of Maha Bharat and Krishna.

The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharat War 4th Dec. 7571

These are satelite Images of Ram Setu Bandh taken by NASA and ISRO http://www.google.com/images?q=ramsetu&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7TSNB_enUS357US357&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=yXuHTJGhBMPwngf1kuHwCw&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCUQsAQwAA&biw=999&bih=411

The bridge was first mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit epic Ramayana of Valmiki[Ramayana]. The western world first encounters it in “historical works in the 9th century” by Ibn Khordadbeh in his Book of Roads and Kingdoms (ca. 850 CE), referring to it is Set Bandhai or “Bridge of the Sea”.

[7] Later, Alberuni described it.

The name Rama’s Bridge or Rama Setu (Sanskrit; setu: bridge) was given to this bridge of shoals in Rameshwaram, as Hindu legend identifies it with the bridge built by the Vanara (monkey-men) army of Rama , which he used to reach Lanka and rescue his wife Sita from the Rakshasa king, Ravana, as stated in the Sanskrit epic Ramayana.

[8] The sea separating India and Sri Lanka is called Sethusamudram “Sea of the Bridge”. Maps prepared by a Dutch cartographer in 1747, available at the Tanjore Saraswathi Mahal Library show this area as Ramancoil, a colloquial form of the Tamil Raman Kovil (Rama’s Temple)

[9] Another map of Mogul India prepared by J. Rennel in 1788 retrieved from the same library called this area the area of the Rama Temple

[10] Many other maps in Schwartzberg’s historical atlas[11][12] and other sources call this area with various names like Koti, Sethubandha and Sethubandha Rameswaram along with others.

[13][14][15][16] Valmiki’s Ramayana attributes the building of the bridge to Lord Rama in verse 2-22-76.[17]

The earliest map that calls this area Adam’s bridge was prepared by a British cartographer in 1804, probably referring to an Islamic legend, Islamic apeasing was conspiracy of British and Moslims to steal any thing and every thing good of others and Renamed with fake stories.

According to which Adam used the bridge to reach Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka, where he stood repentant on one foot for 1,000 years, leaving a large hollow mark resembling a footprint. Both the peak and the bridge are named after this legend.[2][8][18]

Indian Historians: Notorious or Ignorant

More than a hundred years ago, when History of India was written under British influence, there was no room for Ramayan and Mahabharat as historical events. They were epics and of no importance for students. It is surprising that India is one country whose history has been written by its enemies and the whole nation yet follows it.

No doubt the history was a strategic attack on Indian civilization and culture that paved way for western culture into the nation. With time, truth is evolving back. Science of India that was denied is now accepted through western influence.

The myths are suddenly appearing to be history. And one such history is Ram Sethu. Since, it is a history of Hindus, politics and literates are not ready to accept it as truth.

If they are so intelligent, let them go through this article. I challenge them through few questions mentioned in bold in this article.

Let us have a background of what politicians and historians (British written history literates) say about Ram Sethu.

Historian B.D. Chattopadhyay of Jawaharlal Nehru University says the archaeological record says nothing of the sort.

There is no evidence of a human presence in the subcontinent, he says, before roughly 250,000 to 300,000 years ago. It is generally believed man’s hominid ancestors did not leave their African home until about two million years ago.

Very important point here is that Mr. Chattopadhyay has forgot to note that what is said of hominid ancestors is also a belief – a belief generated by Western people and followed by Mr. Chattopadhyay – not Truth, not Science.

Surely Ramayan, if a belief is a belief of eastern people – Indian People. Mr. Chattopadhyay is trying to introduce a belief clash.

Why Mr. Chattopadhyay wants to defy a true instance with a false belief? Does Mr. Chattopadhyay want to say that Lord Rama is deep in the heart of billions of Indians to this date without any truth? Can false beliefs find so deep root in society and for so long time?

I read a similar comment from N Ramanujam. Head, Post Graduate Department of Geology and Research Centre, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin.

He said that Adam’s Bridge is only a chain of shoals between the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar, created by sedimentation owing to long shore currents.

Explaining the bridge’s geological history, he said both the Palk Strait and the GoM were once part of the Cauvery basin, which was formed during the separation of India and Antarctica about 70 million years ago during the `Gondwana period.’

They were combined till a ridge was formed in the region owing to thinning of earth’s crust. The development of this ridge augmented the coral growth in the region.

“The coral cover acted as a `sand trapper’ leading to the formation of Rameswaram Island,” Dr. Ramanujam said.

The long shore currents on the southern side of island created a discontinuous shoreline eastward from Dhanuskodi to Talaimannar, which’s the Adam’s Bridge.

Let us see what Mr. Ramanujam has said:

How many such Chain of Shoals bridging two nations is known to Dr. Ramanujam? Is there any other Geographical construct anywhere in the world – deposits of shoals along the coast doesn’t say that it bridges two land pieces?

Again Mr. Ramanujam is taking support of another belief to beat the truth. He is talking of Gondwana theory, a theory that has no concrete proof – an imaginary thesis with some scientific logic behind it. Hundreds of such theory can be generated based on Geographical principles, but that do not defy a concrete reason of existence.

Why did Gondwana theory leave a trace of only One Bridge on the Globe?

Very important – Ramanujam is unable to change the names of two places as Dhanuskodi and Talaimannar which are not English names as they already exist, and hence successfully accepts a controversial English name of Adam’s Bridge instead of Ram Setu. Mr. Ramanujam could very easily put his theory with the name of the Bridge still as Ram Setu. But he ends up in saying that is Adam’s Bridge – WHY?

Why did Mr. Ramanujam accept Adam’s theory to be correct? Does Mr. Ramanujam want to support that Adam and Eve existed and Lord Rama didn’t exist?

If yes, then Adam and Eve existed in India alone as the bridge is in India – Again controversy – as Manu Shatrupa would be more known names in this region and analogy to Adam and Eve. Moreover, acceptance of Adam’s Bridge is acceptance that it was build by Adam. Actually, the logic fits opposite to them – how can the first man on earth build a bridge of that volume? He would be immature at first place, he is alone at second place and why will he ever endeavor to bridge the sea?

Though the only evidence is with India, no logic fits to the name as ‘Adam’s Bridge’. This clearly reflects the Christian mentality trying to impose and kill Hindu greatness. And poor Historians of India, brought up in the education system of English, unable to break the boundary of false arrogance of being high literary, seems to be helplessly saying that Ram Setu Bandh is not historical.

They cannot even hold a petty vision that humans have build wall of length of Great wall of China that is visible from even Satellite; what would stop humans to build Ram Setu Bandh and what is surprising or opposing to the fact that it was built as a part of Ramayan as a history.

Does Mr. Ramanujam want to say that if Adam built it, it is history, but if Lord Rama built it it is a Myth and a natural construct?

Professor Dupey says that as per Archeological survey, remains from Ayodhya controversial site has found temple remains whose age do not go beyond 600 B.C.

Mr. Dubey: Do you want to say that if I build a temple today, you will conclude that Lord Rama existed since today and not before?

Temples are build and rebuild and their age can only say about the age of the temple and the age of the personality whose worship is done in the temple.

We need to understand certain points here, modern Archeology and Science is far different than what used to exist in ancient India. For instance, old temples of India, yet existing, were built on a different technology than what we find in modern civil engineering.

This doesn’t mean that ancient archeology was not having mathematics maturity – in fact, if we look at Temples of India, Jagannath Puri temple for instance, we do not find any iron or pillars used to build the temple – yet it stands from hundreds of years to a height of around 200 ft.

Assume that Puri temple would have been razed some 10000 years ago, what technology or archaeological proofs would be derived to conclude that the temple was 200 ft high?

Similarly, the Ram Setu bandh has seen ages, and that too not on land, but in sea – a turbulent sea. The major of the mass is already washed off – a question to be pondered is that what remains is just a trace of the actual bridge – not the whole bridge as it was.

Ramayan mentions that the bridge was built over the sea water, with support of Sea – this implies that there was no supporting archeology involved in constructing the bridge – this is easily supported by the failure of Archeology ground to trace such constructs under ground. Yet the presence of shoals below the bridge and their type indicate that they cannot be found in sea in the manner it exists at Ram Sethu.

Now, Mr. Dubey accepts that the age of Shoals found at Ram Sethu goes around 1 million years. He misguides people, as he is a literate of History written by British, that Ramayan was first written around 10000 years ago and not 1 million years ago. Mr. Dubey, here is a simple calculation for you to further investigate:

The age of the bridge as per scientific dating comes to around 1 million years. As per Hindu scriptures, Ramayan took place in ‘Treta Yug’.

Calculating by Hindu scriptures (Treta Yug with a tenure of 12,96,000 years,

 Dwapar Yug with a tenure of 8, 64,000 years,

Kali Yug has just seen 12,013 years): 

We know that Treta Yug was before Dwapar Yug.

So, one thing is quite evident. The Bridge was constructed at least 8,64,000 years ago, i.e., 0.86 million years ago, which is pretty close to 1 million years.

Treta Yuga itself is 1.3 million years of age.

How is that scientific age of the shoals and the Hindu calendar age of Lord Rama matches exactly? Will Mr. Dubey and other historians dare to come out of the falsehood of our enemy teachings and try to explore some mathematics of Hindus before they say make such stupid comparison of scientific ages?

2. Analysis of Valmiki Ramayan over RAM SETHU

Now, let us go into the Valmiki Ramayan and dig out more history out of it. Let us be sure that if we want to dig history, we have to touch Valmiki Ramayan alone and not any other Ramayan, because all other Ramayan are written with purpose of promoting Ramayan and recording the event.

Here are certain points from Valmiki Ramayan to be considered:

1. There is no other book than Ramayan that has put into scriptures describing such geographical constructs.

2. Ramayan says that it was build under the supervision of an Architect Nala – son of the greatest Architect of all times ‘Vishwakarma’ (Note: ‘Vishwakarma’ is a designation given to the greatest archeologist and builder of the era in ancient Hindu society, a similar practice as we have in modern world of ‘Nobel Prize’). Thus, the book makes sure that such a bridge can be constructed by only architect of highest skill.

Why do the politicians mislead the nation by saying that Lord Rama was a Superman who build the bridge, when Ramayan clearly says that it is not Lord Rama but the Architect Nala and Neela who build the bridge?

3. The bridge was (Ramayan mentions the bridge constructed in 5 days: 14 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 = 100 yojans) 100 Yojans long and 10 Yojans wide. Data to be considered here:

4. The data starts from 14 yojans as first day, which is less than other day’s data, confirming a logic that first day as a beginning had taken time to gear up all Vanars. Second day it took momentum and rest of the days the distance of the bridge constructed is found to be nearly same. A logical conclusion of this sort is made only when the event have occurred in reality.

Why did Valmiki thrust his imagination to get the bridge completed only in 5 days? He could have well increased the number of days to help people of today understand it more logically. Or he could have even reduced the number of days to highlight the power of Lord Rama.

5. The data that more than a crore (10 million) Vanaras were involved in building it, seems to be logical to fit to support the volume of the bridge constructed. Now, the count may not be exact, but surely Valmiki wants to say that there was a huge task force working for the bridge.

Valmiki could have easily shown Lord Rama winning the battle with few hundred Vanars as his soldiers – why 10 million?

6. The width vs. length ratio also looks scientific and supportive to help carry such a huge mass across the bridge. The bridge is wide enough so as to withstand the weight of crores of Vanaras and allow passage to all of them.

7. The bridge is said to be built in 5 days, giving an idea that bridge had to be built in a very short period of time, failing which the Opponent King Ravana would have come to know about it and would have attacked never allowing the bridge to be constructed. Thus, the period fits the war logic.

8. The bridge is said to be constructed by around a crore Vanaras, the count fits the possibility of getting the bridge constructed in such a small time – a huge task force doing it. Though, the methodology of construction is not elaborated and shortened by mentioning that various ‘Yantras’ or Machinery were used to build the bridge, but it gives an indication that machinery were applied to do the task. It should be a subject to study about our past. Valmiki Ramayan: Yuddha Kanda, 22.60:

‘Hastimatran Mahakayah Pashananshch Mahabalah

Parvatanshch Samutpatya Yantraiyah Parivahanti Cha’

What was the need to mention that certain Machineries were used for constructing the bridge? How did an ancient man imagine of machineries?

9. Very interestingly, Rama is not said to have built the bridge and the point clarifies that building it was the skill of an architect – Nala and not Rama or Hanuman, the hero of the book. Had Ramayan been a fantasy of Maharishi Valmiki, he would easily fantasized and written something like Rama built a bridge of Arrows as Rama was the hero in fantasy. But it is not so, making one think that it is not fantasy writing.

Why didn’t he tell the world that it was Lord Rama who builds it and give the credit to someone else of this great happening? After all, Lord Rama was the hero of his imagination.

10. Ramayan also depicts the materials used in making the bridge clarifying that it was a possibility, but not under imagination of human capacity under technology support of today.

11. Seeing the time constraint, it looks logical to have Vanars who are brisk in their movement collecting materials and fitting it in place as directed.

12. The places mentioned in Ramayan exactly matches to the current location of the bridge, thus confirming that the book is not a story.

13. The length of the bridge matches to what is mentioned in Ramayan.

So, looking at Ramayan alone one can conclude that the Bridge is not a natural construct. Having proven on the point of Bridge alone that Ramayan is not a book of myth, but a book of History, it straight away brings the truth that Maharishi Valmiki was the first Historian known to man kind

3. Current Findings on RAM SETHU and their analysis

However, we need to further analyze current findings as well.

The first thing to consider is that under the current scientific evaluation, the bridge is proved to have a chain of shoals is 30 to 35 km long in Palk Street, and its unique curvature confirms that it is man made, and is not a Geographical Construct at all.
Archeological findings have proven that first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to primitive age of about 1,750,000 years of the same era as Ramayan (‘Treta Yug’, which lies exactly mid way to above number).
Sri Lankan Government has done Archeological Survey and found some very interesting data:
A mountain covered completely with herbal plants of same type that is found in Himalayas. There is no other mountain in whole Sri Lanka of that kind.

This stands as an evidence that the mountain was brought by Lord Hanuman to Sri Lanka – How was this done is subject to study? To my knowledge, Sri Yantra of Hindu myth (or may be similar constructs) is actually a anti-gravitation theory which was know to our Rishis in those days and these things were possible only by such means. Someday,

science will surely understand this.
Ashok Vatika is traced with complete Greenery and while soil. With a gap of hardly 10-20 meters, soil suddenly turns to be black and burnt and it stretches to miles. This highly unnatural and it stands to prove that Lord Hanuman had burnt Lanka.
There are many other proofs that have come up, but I consider these two points as strong as the Bridge itself.

Can our Historians consult the British again and create more theory around these evidences, so that they can be included in History books against Ramayan?

From Ayodhya to Sri Lanka, most of the places still hold the names as it was around a million years ago. Even the devastating Muslim invasion could not eliminate the names. Ayodhya, Chitrakut, Panchvati, Rameswaram, Lanka – all the names are as mentioned in the book. Rameswaram is the place where Lord Rama worshipped Lord Shiva and established the idol ‘Shiv Lingam’, exist to date as a place of worship.

Ramayan talks about Mahendragiri Mountain as the highest point and best point to watch across the sea. Geographically, it is proven that Mahendragiri is the highest mountain in that area and gives a visibility of around 60 km range.
Why don’t these politicians and historians say how are these mentioned in Ramayan? Did these places pre-existed and Valmiki traveled a lot to create this story? Or these places were named after people read Valmiki Ramayan?

The more logical answer is, these places pre-existed and the event took place which Valimiki wrote as poetic history.

Another important fictitious topic of Ramayan is ‘Pushpak Viman’ – a vehicle that could take aerial route to travel. No doubt the Pusphak Viman no more exists, but it cannot be fantasy as we have similar air planes telling about it. What challenges the concept of Viman is the understanding that technology has developed in current era and people were devoid of such high-tech products in ancient India. But then Ramayan gives a background of Pushpak Viman in terms of how it was acquired, thereby making one think that it was not a mere fantasy. It should not be expected from the book Ramayan to describe the details of Pushpak Viman creation. The question that should be asked is where the actual scientific data of Hindu researches about building the Pushpak Viman got lost – and true history of India and world will evolve.
Do our Historians want to say that if Pushpak Viman existed then Valmiki would have mentioned how it was built? How many history book of today contains the scientific methodology of building machinery – why don’t our historians first do this?

What seems to be mythical to the Historians and Science is the concept of Monkey building the Bridge. But they forget to expand the vision on this, purely because of their biased attitude to defeating Hindu faith. We all know now that there are many species that do not exist now and the largest known to human is Dinosaur. Why can’t different specie exist around 1 million years ago with the capacity of human intelligence and monkey like physical structure – something that was called as Vanars in those days? Science do not forget to mention that man evolved out of monkeys – but defeats Hindus to consider that Vanars were the in between form of the evolution the evidence present in those days. But no view would consider this, simply because then the religion of peace would win then. Yet, there is no doubt that evolution theory is again a controversial theory existing and taught to people, without any scientific evidence around it.
No historian can deny the fact that there is a coincidence and only one coincidence between a reality and its occurrence in a book called Ramayan. Instead, of now having set a direction to find out how such thing took place, these catholic followers are simply applying all forces and theories to falsify a fact.
Science is now saying that the age of earth is around 4 billion years – can science produce a history of 4 billion years with concrete proof – no one asks this question and believes science. No one knows how many generation of humanity evolved and got destroyed since the earth was formed. No one knows when the earth was exactly formed. Actual fictions and stories lie on this side as well – but our dear Historians do not have the courage to flatter about it.

I do not understand, if such an amazing construct is not within the reach of modern science, why can’t this bridge be put as one of the Wonders? Why can’t it be listed under World Heritages (yet maintain it as Hindu sacred place)? Instead, the anti-Hindu moves are motivating Congress to destroy the bridge.

If the destruction of a 500 year old Babri Masjid is not tolerable and it created havoc in the world, why is million year old constructs not protected? Thousands of Hindu temples have been destroyed and are being destroyed to date in Kashmir, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and so many other countries. Neither media nor politics talks about it. Why shouldn’t Hindus stand now to protect Ram Sethu, which is a direct proof of One million year old history of India?

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/religion-articles/ram-sethu-proof-of-great-science-of-ancient-past-499823.html#ixzz0ywTx2q1O
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/religion-articles/ram-sethu-proof-of-great-science-of-ancient-past-499823.html#ixzz0ywTLjllv

… Please Appreciate All Women in Your Life “HER” ….

The woman in your life…very well expressed…  

Tomorrow you may get a working woman, but you should marry her with these facts as well.

Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;

Who is earning almost as much as you do;

One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have because she is as human as you are;

One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your Sister haven’t,

as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that gives no special

concession to girls for their culinary achievements One,

 who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters,

almost as much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;

 One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that,

her home, people who love her, to adopt your home,

your family, your ways and even your family,

name One,

who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1,

 while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances,

environment and that kitchen One,

who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day,

 even if she is as tired as you are,

 maybe more, and yet never ever expected to complain;

to be a servant, a cook, a mother,

a wife,

even if she doesn’t want to;

and is learning just like you are as to what you want from her;

and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won’t like it if she is too demanding,

 or if she learns faster than you;

 One, who has her own set of friends,

 and that includes boys and even men at her workplace too,

 those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that

on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy,

unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;


 she can drink and dance just as well as you can,

 but won’t, simply Because you won’t like it,

even though you say otherwise One,

who can be late from work once in a while when deadlines, just like yours,

are to be met;

One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important,

relationship in her entire life a grand success,

 if you just help her some and trust her;

One, who just wants one thing from you,

as you are the only one she knows in your entire house – your unstinted support,

your sensitivities and most importantly –

– your understanding, or love,

 if you may call it.

But not many guys understand this…

… Please appreciate All Women in Your Life “HER” ….

સ્વસ્તિકના ચિહ્નને હડઘૂત કરનારા અમેરિકનો સમજી લે સ્વસ્તિકનું વિશ્વ્વવ્યાપી મહત્ત્વ

સ્વસ્તિકના ચિહ્નને હડઘૂત કરનારા અમેરિકનો સમજી લે સ્વસ્તિકનું વિશ્વ્વવ્યાપી મહત્ત્વ
હોટલાઇન – ભાલચંદ્ર જાની

સુખ અને સમૃદ્ધિના પ્રતિક સમાન સ્વસ્તિકને ઘરના બારણે, ઉંબરે કે આંગણામાં દોરવામાં આવે છે. તેમજ કોઈ પણ શુભ પ્રસંગ કે મંગળ પ્રસંગમાં પણ સ્વસ્તિક દોરવામાં આવે છે. ભારતીય પરંપરા પ્રમાણે સ્વસ્તિકને મંગળ અને સૌભાગ્યનું પ્રતિક ગણવામાં આવે છે. અમેરિકામાં હમણાં એક નવો વિવાદ શરૂ થયો છે. સ્વસ્તિકના ચિહ્ન ધરાવતા ટીશર્ટ, જ્વેલરી કે બીજું કોઈ વસ્ત્ર વેંચો અથવા પહેરીને ફરો તો પોલીસના ભંવા ઊંચા ચઢી જાય છે. સપ્તાહપૂર્વે અમેરિકામાં આવી એક ઘટના બની તેથી હિન્દુ સમાજમાં રોષની લાગણી ફેલાઈ હતી. બન્યું એવું કે બુ્રકલિનના એક સ્ટોરમાં સ્વસ્તિકના પ્રતિક જેવી ઇયરંિગ્સ વેંચાતી હતી તેની સામે સ્થાનિક સત્તાવાળાઓએ વિરોધ નોંધાવ્યો હતો. આ ઇયરંિગ્સ નાઝીઓનું પ્રતીક નથી પરંતુ પ્રાચીન ભારતીય પવિત્ર ચિહ્ન છે એવી સ્પષ્ટતા છતાં સ્થાનિક સત્તાવાળાઓએ ન્યૂયોર્કના આ સ્ટોરને સ્વસ્તિકવાળા ઇયરંિગ્સ નહીં વેચવાની તાકીદ કરી હતી. ન્યૂયોર્ક સિટિ-કાઉન્સિલમેન સ્ટીવ લેવિને બુ્રકલીનમાં આ સ્ટોરની મુલાકાત લઇને એની માલિક યંગ સૂક કીમને તાકીદ કરી હતી કે આ ઇયરંિગ્સ વેચવાં નહીં. પેલી દુકાનમાલિકણ તો ડઘાઈ જ ગઈ. માત્ર એક દિવસ પહેલાં ન્યૂયોર્કના પોલિટિશિયન અને ધારાશાસ્ત્રીઓએ ફોક્સન્યૂઝ ડૉટ કોમને કહ્યું હતું કે આ ઇયરંિગ્સ એન્ટિ-સેમિટિઝમ યહૂદી વિરોધી છે અને ન્યૂયોર્ક, ન્યૂ જર્સી અને મેનહટ્ટનના કાઉન્સિલ પ્રમુખ સ્કોટ સ્ટીંગરે કહ્યું હતું કે આ ઇયરંિગ્સ વેચવાનું તાબડતોબ બંધ થવું જોઇએ. આ ઇયરંિગ્સનું વેચાણ ચાલુ રહે તો એ ‘હેટ ક્રાઇમ’ (ધિક્કારની લાગણી ફેલાવવાનો ગુનો ) ગણાશે. ખરું કહેવાય! કોઈના ધાર્મિક પ્રતિક સામે આટલો સજ્જડ વિરોધ. યુરોપ-અમેરિકામાં સ્વસ્તિકના ચિહ્નને જુલ્મી હિટલર સાથે સંકળાયેલું પ્રતિક ગણીને તેનો વિરોધ થાય છે એ તો જાણે સમજ્યા. પરંતુ વિશ્વ્વના સૌથી પ્રાચીન, સનાતન, મહાન ધર્મ હંિદુઓમાં સ્વસ્તિકનું મહત્ત્વ ખૂબ ઊંચું છે એ ભૂલાવું ન જોઈએ. સ્વસ્તિક એ વિશ્વનું સૌથી પ્રાચીન પ્રતીક છે. છેલ્લા પાંચ હજાર કરતાં વઘુ વર્ષોથી તે સનાતન હિન્દુ ધર્મનું પણ એક પ્રતીક છે. સંસ્કૃત શબ્દ ‘સ્વેસ્તિકા’ ઉપરથી સ્વસ્તિક નામ પડ્યું છે. ૐ સ્વસ્તિન ઈન્દ્રો વૃઘ્ધશ્રવાહાઃ                                             સ્વસ્તિન ઃ પૂષા વિશ્વવેદા ઃ                                             સ્વસ્તિનસ્તાર્ક્ષ્યો અરિષ્ટનેમિ ઃ                                             સ્વસ્તિનો બૃહસ્પતિર્દધાતુ. હિન્દુઓના કોઈપણ શુભ કાર્યના પ્રારંભે આ સ્વસ્તિ મંત્રનું પઠન કરવામાં આવે છે. આ મંત્રનો અર્થ છે કીર્તિવાન ઈન્દ્રદેવ અમારું  સદા કલ્યાણ કરો, સુવિજ્ઞ સૂર્યનારાયણ અમારું સદાય શ્રેય કરો, સુદર્શન ધારી વિષ્ણુ ભગવાન અને ગરૂડજી અમારું શ્રેય કરો તથા ગુરુદેવ બૃહસ્પતિ અમારું કલ્યાણ કરો. સુખ અને સમૃદ્ધિના પ્રતિક સમાન સ્વસ્તિકને ઘરના બારણે, ઉંબરે કે આંગણામાં દોરવામાં આવે છે. તેમજ કોઈ પણ શુભ પ્રસંગ કે મંગળ પ્રસંગમાં પણ સ્વસ્તિક દોરવામાં આવે છે. ભારતીય પરંપરા પ્રમાણે સ્વસ્તિકને મંગળ અને સૌભાગ્યનું પ્રતિક ગણવામાં આવે છે. તેમજ સ્વસ્તિકને સૂર્ય અને વિષ્ણુનું ચિહ્ન પણ માનવામાં આવે છે. ૠગ્વેદમાં શાંતનુનો  ઉલ્લેખ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. શાંતનુ સ્વસ્તિકના દેવતા છે. શાસ્ત્રો અનુસાર આ દેવતાને મનોવાંછિત ફળ આપનાર અને સંપૂર્ણ જગતનું કલ્યાણ કરનાર અને દેવોને અમરત્વ પ્રદાન કરવાવાળા દેવતા ગણવામાં આવે છે. ‘સિઘ્ધાન્તસાર’ પ્રમાણે સ્વસ્તિકને બ્રહ્માંડનું પ્રતિક  માનવામાં આવે છે. સ્વસ્તિકના મઘ્ય ભાગને વિષ્ણુ ભગવાનની નાભિ, ચારે રેખાઓને બ્રહ્માજીના ચાર મુખ, ચાર હાથ અને ચાર વેદો સાથે સરખાવવામાં આવે છે. દેવતાઓની આસપાસમાં જે આભામંડળ રચાય છે તે સ્વસ્તિક આકાર હોવાના કારણે સ્વસ્તિકને શાસ્ત્રોમાં શુભ માનવામાં આવે છે. તર્કથી પણ આ વાત સાબિત કરી શકાય છે. શ્રૃતિ, અનુભૂતિ તથા યુક્તિ આ ત્રણેય સ્વસ્તિકનું સમર્થન કરે છે જેનાથી પ્રયાગરાજમાં થતા સંગમ જેવો સંગમ રચાય છે. દિશા મુખ્યત્વે ચાર છે. સ્વસ્તિકની ઊભી અને આડી રેખા દોરીને જે ધન (+) કે વત્તાકાર જેવો બને છે. તે મુખ્ય ચાર દિશાઓ માનવામાં આવે છે, તેથી જ સ્વસ્તિકને મંગળ અને કલ્યાણનું પ્રતિક માનવામાં આવે છે. તેથી જ તે દેવતાઓના તેજના રૂપમાં શુભત્વ દેનાર છે તેમ મનાય છે. એ અદ્દશ્ય શક્તિઓની સહાયતા પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે એ પથ્થરયુગના માનવીઓ વિવિધ પ્રકારના પ્રતીકો મંત્રીત યંત્રો, તાવિજ, માદળિયા વગેરેનો ઉપયોગ કરતા. તેઓ જે પ્રતીકોનો ઉપયોગ કરતા તે પ્રતીકોમાં એક પ્રતીક ‘સ્વસ્તિક’ રહેતો હતો. આ બાબતોને ઘ્યાનમાં રાખીને વિશ્વ વિખ્યાત ઈતિહાસકાર એચ.જી.વેલ્સે પોતાના એક પુસ્તકમાં એક ખાસ નૂકતેચીનીમાં લખ્યું છે કે ‘‘આ નાનકડું પ્રતીક વિશ્વભરમાં કોઈને કોઈ રીતે પ્રચલિત છે’’ આથી આગળ વધતા વેલ્સ જણાવે છે કે વિશ્વમાં અન્ય એક પણ પ્રતીક એવુ ંનથી જેના ‘સ્વસ્તિક’ જેટલા અસંખ્ય અર્થઘટનો કરવામાં આવ્યા હોય.  જો કે ‘સ્વસ્તિક’ના  ઉદ્‌ભવ અંગેનું રહસ્ય અનેક સદીઓ બાદ પણ હજી સુધી ઉકેલાયું નથી. ગ્રેટ બ્રિટનમાં ‘સ્વસ્તિક’ને ફિલફોટ કહેવામાં આવે છે. ત્યાં આ ફિલફોટનો અર્થ ચાર પગવાળું (ચાર પાંખિયા) એવો કરવામાં આવે છે. સ્કેન્ડીનેવિયામાં ‘સ્વસ્તિક’ને ઈશ્વરના હથોડાના પ્રતીક તરીકે જોવામાં આવે છે. જપાનમાં તેને મનજી તરીકે ઓળખવામાં આવે છે તથા તે બુઘ્ધની પ્રતિમાઓ ઉપર જોવા મળે છે. જ્યારે બૌઘ્ધ યાત્રાળુઓ જપાનના પવિત્ર મનાંતા ફ્‌યૂજીયામા ખાતેના પર્વત પર જાય છે.  ત્યારે યાત્રાળુઓને ત્યાં તેમની ધાર્મિક વિધિ અનુસાર એક કપમાં પાણી આપવાાં આવે છે.  આ કપ ઉપર ‘સ્વસ્તિક’નું ચિહ્ન હોય છે ત્યાં સ્વસ્તિકના પ્રતીકને જીવનના જળ તરીકે માનવામાં  આવે છે. ચીનમાં સ્વસ્તિકને સમુદ્રનો પ્રતિનિધિ માનવામાં આવે છે. આ ઉપરાંત સ્વસ્તિકના ઘણા નમુનાઓ ઈજીપ્ત, ભારત, પર્શિયા, યુરોપના કેટલાક  દેશો, ફ્રાન્સ, જર્મની સ્કેન્ડીનેવિયા, સ્કોટલેન્ડ, આયર્લેન્ડ તથા અન્ય કેટલાક દેશોમાં મળી આવ્યા છે. મઘ્ય અને દક્ષિણ અમેરિકામાં ઘણા સ્થળો એ તે પથ્થર પર કોતરાયેલી સ્થિતિમાં પણ મળી આવે છે. જો કે અહીંના પથ્થરો પર તેને કયા યુગમાં પાષાણ પર કોતરવામાં આવ્યા હશે તે અંગે કંઈ જ જાણવા મળતું નથી. ગોરાઓએ જ્યારે અમેરિકામાં પોતાનો વ્યવસાય શરૂ કર્યો તે દરમ્યાન માટીના ઢગલામાંથી ગોરાઓને સ્વસ્તિકનું પ્રતીક મળી આવ્યું હતું. આ સાથે જ ભગવાન બુઘ્ધની એક મૂર્તિ પણ મળી આવી હતી. આ બાબત  એવું સ્પષ્ટ સૂચવે છે કે બૌદ્ધ મીશનરીઓ કોલંબસ કરતાં પહેલા અમેરિકી ભૂમિ પર પહોંચ્યા હશે. આમ સ્વસ્તિકને જીવન પ્રકાશ, સૂર્ય, આકાશ, વાયુ,  અગ્નિ અને પાણીના પ્રતીક તરીકે નિરખવામાં આવે છે. આ ઉપરાંત આ શુભ પ્રતીક બ્રહ્મા સારંગપાણિ વિષ્ણુ અને પીનાકપાણી ભગવાન શિવનું પણ પ્રતિનિધિત્વ કરે છે. તથા ભગવાન બુઘ્ધનું પણ પ્રતિનિધિત્વ કરે છે. બૌદ્ધ ધર્મના લોકો ‘સ્વસ્તિક’ને બુદ્ધ ભગવાનના હૃદયની મુદ્રા તરીકે ઓળખાવે છે. બૌદ્ધ ધર્મો જણાવે છે કે સમ્રાટ અશોેકે બૌદ્ધ ધર્મ અંગિકાર કર્યો હતો અને તેના પથ્થરના શિલાલેખમાં તેને એક માત્ર સ્વસ્તિકના પ્રતીકને મહત્તા આપી હતી. એવા પણ પૂરાવાઓ મળ્યા છે કે અગાઉના ખ્રીસ્તી ધર્મના લોકો સ્વસ્તિકે તેના ધર્મના વિશેષ પ્રતીક તરીકે  ઉપયોગ કરતા હતા.  ખ્રીસ્તીઓના ચર્ચમાં વિવિધ ચીજો પર સ્વસ્તિકનું પ્રતીક જોવા મળે છે. ખાસ કરીને ચર્ચની બહારના બેલ ઉપર આ પ્રતિક અંકિત થયેલું હોય છે.ખ્રીસ્તીઓ માને  છે કે સ્વસ્તિક એ આત્માની ચાર તબક્કાની પ્રગતિનું પ્રતિક છે. ધર્મની સ્થાપનાના શરૂઆતના સમયમાં ખ્રીસ્તી સ્વસ્તિકના સામાન્ય સ્વરૂપને ઈશ્વર તરફની ગતિ તરીકે માનતા હતા જ્યારે ઊંધા સ્વસ્તિકને ઈશ્વરથી દૂર થવાની ગતિ તરીકે તેઓ મનાતા હતા. જર્મનીના એક સમયના સરમુખત્યાર ઍડોલ્ફ હિટલરે તેની નેશનલ સોસ્યાલિસ્ટ પાર્ટી માટે ૧૯૧૯માં એક બેનર તૈયાર કરાવ્યું હતું. આ બેનરમાં તેમણે સ્વસ્તિકને ઉંધા સ્વરૂપમાં મૂકાવ્યો હતો. તેણે તેના લશ્કરના જવાનો અને અધિકારીઓના લશ્કરી પોશાક ઉપર પણ સફેદ વર્તુળમાં કાળા સ્વસ્તિકના ઉંધા સ્વરૂપને લોગોની જેમ મૂકાવ્યો હતો. તેના લશ્કરના ઘ્વજમાં પણ સફેદ વર્તુળમાં ઉંધો કાળો સ્વસ્તિક તેણે ચિતરાવ્યો હતો. નાઝીઓએ સ્વસ્તિકના પ્રતીકને આમ ઉલ્ટા સ્વરૂપમાં મૂક્યું તે તેમના માટે કાયમી ધોરણે અશુભ સાબિત થયું હતું. દોઢ દાયકા પૂર્વે બ્રિટનના યુવાન પ્રિન્સ હેરીએ ફેન્સી ડ્રેસની પાર્ટીમાં એવો પોશાક પહેર્યો હતો કે જેની બાંય પર ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિના પ્રતિક સ્વસ્તિકને અંકિત કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો. પણ સ્વસ્તિક ધરાવતા પ્રિન્સના પોશાકને જોતાં જ બ્રિટનની પ્રજાને હિટલરના અત્યાચાર યાદ આવ્યા. આ પાર્ટીના અહેવાલ અને પોશાકમાં સ્વસ્તિકના ચિહ્નની બાબતને બ્રિટનનાં અખબારોએ પહેલે પાને ચગાવી. સમગ્ર બ્રિટનમાં સારા એવા પ્રમાણમાં ્‌સ્વસ્તિક વિશે વિવાદ જાગ્યો અને યુરોપના દેશોમાં તેના પર પ્રતિબંધ મૂકવા સુધીની વાતો થવા લાગી. ત્યારે બ્રિટનમાં વસેલા હિન્દુઓએ તેનો ઉગ્ર વિરોધ કર્યો હતો અને ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિમાં સ્વસ્તિકનું મહત્ત્વ કેટલું છે તે વિશેની જનજાગૃતિ માટેના પ્રયાસ કર્યા હતા. તિબેટના લોકોમાં તેમના શરીર પર સ્વસ્તિકના છુંદણા કરાવવાની પ્રથા છે. તેઓ શરીર પર સ્વસ્તિકના છુંદણાને અત્યંત શુભ અને પવિત્ર નિશાની ગણે છે તથા તિબેટની મહિલાઓ તેમના પેટીકોટ ઉપર  પણ સ્વસ્તિકની ડિઝાઈન મૂકાવે છે. જૈનોએ તો સ્વસ્તિકના આધારે જીવનના તત્ત્વજ્ઞાનને ઘડ્યું છે. જૈન ધર્મમાં સ્વસ્તિકની સાથે ત્રણ વર્તુળો એક બીજનો ચંદ્ર અને વઘુ એક વર્તુળને ઉમેરો કર્યો છે. સ્વસ્તિકમાં એકબીજાને છેદતી બે રેખાઓ સૂચવે છે કે ભૌતિક વિશ્વમાં આત્માના ચાર તબક્કાઓ અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવે છે. જેમાં વનસ્પતિ જીવન, પ્લાન્ટ અને પ્રાણી જીવન, માનવ જીવન સ્વર્ગીય દિવ્ય જીવનનો સમાવેશ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. સ્વસ્તિક સાથેની વઘુ એક માન્યતા અનુસાર દરેક મનુષ્યએ ત્રણ આભૂષણો પ્રાપ્ત કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરવો જોઈએ. આ ત્રણ આભૂષણોમાં સાચી માન્યતા સાચું જ્ઞાન સારું વર્તનનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. જો માણસ પાસે આ ત્રણ આભૂષણો હોય તો તે આઘ્યાત્મિક રીતે વઘુને વઘુ સમૃદ્ધ થઈ શકે. કેટલાક વિદ્ધાનોના મતાનુસાર પ્રાચીનકાળમાં સ્વસ્તિકના આકારમાં કિલ્લા બાંધવામાં આવતા હતા. આમ સ્વસ્તિક એ સંરક્ષણનુ પણ  પ્રતીક છે. આ પ્રકારના કિલ્લાઓ જીતી લેવાનું દુશ્મનો માટે મુશ્કેલ બનતું. કારણ કે આ સ્વસ્તિક આકારના કિલ્લાના ચાર પૈકીનો એક દરવાજો દુશ્મન તોડે તો પણ અન્ય ત્રણ દરવાજા એટલે કે કિલ્લાનો ત્રણ ચર્તુથાંશ ભાગ સલામત રહે છે. સ્વસ્તિકના જુદા જુદા સ્વરૂપ હોય છે તે અનુસાર મહાભારત કાળમાં કુરુક્ષેત્રના યુઘ્ધ દરમ્યાન વિરોધી સેનાની સામે ઘડવામાં આવતા વિવિધ વ્યૂહો એ પણ સ્વસ્તિકના જ સ્વરૂપો હતા. આમાનો એક વ્યૂહ અત્યંત પ્રચલિત છે જે પાંડવ સેના સામે કૌરવ સેના- પતિ આચાર્ય દ્રોણે અમલમાં મૂક્યો હતો. જે ચક્રવ્યૂહના નામે આજે પણ પ્રચલિત છે. આ ચક્રવ્યૂહના ચક્રવાકમાં અર્જુન પુત્ર અભિમન્યુ અટવાઈ ગયો હતો. એકંદરે કહેવાનું તાત્પર્ય એ છે કે સ્વસ્તિક સુરક્ષાનું પણ પ્રતિક છે. સ્વસ્તિક અંગે વિશ્વમાં આજે એક વિપરિત માન્યતા પ્રવર્તતી હોવાનું પણ જણાવાય છે. જર્મનીના એક સમયના સરમુખત્યાર ઍડોલ્ફ હિટલરે તેની નેશનલ સોસ્યાલિસ્ટ પાર્ટી અને તેના નાઝી સૈન્ય માટે સ્વસ્તિકનો ઉલ્ટા સ્વરૂપમાં ઉપયોગ કર્યો ત્યારથી વિશ્વના અનેક દેશોમાં સ્વસ્તિકને ધર્મના પ્રતીક તરીકે ઓછું મહત્ત્વ મળતું થયું છે. તેમજ અનેક દેશો તેને માત્ર નાઝી સૈન્યના પ્રતિક તરીકે જ  જુવે છે. આમ છતાં ભારતમાં  સ્વસ્તિકનું ધાર્મિક મહત્ત્વ આજે પણ યથાવત્‌ છે. યુરોપ અને અમેરિકાના સત્તાવાળાઓએ હિટલરના સ્વસ્તિક તથા હંિદુઓના સાથિયા વચ્ચેનો તફાવત સમજી લેવો જોઈએ. જેથી આંધળે બહેરું કુંટાય નહીં.

Arya-And-Castes In Hindu Sanatan Dharma.

Arya means a noble person/ gentleman.
 If in behavior, speech, actions, one adheres to principles of vedas – is
civilized, affectionate to fellow people, not tempted to commit sins,
hygienic, promotes and propagates truth, etc – he or she is an Arya. Again
it is not a binary logic, but a continuous function.

2. English is a poor approximate of vedic language. But Brahmin, Kshatriya,
Vaishya, Shudra are names of varnas or classifications based on profession.
They have nothing to do with birth. Shudra is someone who could not get
 adequetly educated and hence incompetent to be in any of these professions.

People in knowledge based matters are Brahmins, those in state/defence level
 matters are Kshatriyas, those in financial/ economic jobs are Vaishyas and
 rest are Shudras.

3. These Varnas are nothing to do with presently used custom of surnames. In
 fact if you read Ramayan or Mahabharat or other texts of those times, you do
not find this tradition of First Name-Middle Name-Surname as nomenclature of

I would refute the basis of argument that Arya word denotes parentage
in any manner.

1. Of course, family and parentage do have their role in determining
 sanskaars of a person. But that does not mean that someone from unidentified
parentage cannot be Arya. This imaginary casteism is one of the biggest
 reasons for our decadence. We foolishly expurged a large majority of our
 fellow brothers and sisters as Shudras and Achhoots on basis of their
unknown or questionable lineage or family.

2. The Arya has nothing to do with one’s gotra. Hardly any surname today
represents any Gotra. The gotra classification was to do with preventing
marriages between closed relatives.

3. Arya denotes a noble person. Family is only one among many ways to
ascertain if someone is noble. And to say that Shudra cannot become Brahmin
is again blatantly wrong. Brahmin is someone with knowledge. And Shudra
 means someone who could not become Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya due to lack
 of edcation or training. So even a Shudra, after having gained knowledge
through efforts can become Brahmin.

4. Dwija means twice born. From birth everyone is Shudra. But after
 education, Brahmins, Kshatriya and Vaishya take another birth as skilled
humans. In other words, education gives them another birth as civilized
 people worthy of contributing to society. Thus they become Dwija – twice
born. Those who are unable to gain education lose this opportunity of new
birth and hence remain Shudra.

Thus an illiterate son of Brahmin is also shudra. And any shudra, after
having gained knowledge through his or her efforts can become a brahmin,
 vaishya or kshatriya. This has nothing to do with biological birth.

Until we are able to throw away this tail of birth based caste, we can never
 be a united front for vedic empire.

Lets embrace truth and reject the trash.

Arya-And-Castes In Hindu Sanatan Dharma.

is also available in English on http://agniveer.com/9/arya-and-castes/

प्रत्येक श्रेष्ठ और सुसभ्य मनुष्य आर्य है |

अपने आचरण, वाणी और कर्म में वैदिक सिद्धांतों का पालन करने वाले, शिष्ट, स्नेही, कभी पाप कार्य न करनेवाले, सत्य की उन्नति और प्रचार करनेवाले, आतंरिक और बाह्य शुचिता इत्यादि गुणों को सदैव धारण करनेवाले आर्य कहलाते हैं |

ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य और शूद्र यह चार वर्ण वास्तव में व्यक्ति को नहीं बल्कि गुणों को प्रदर्शित करते हैं. प्रत्येक मनुष्य में ये चारों गुण (बुद्धि, बल, प्रबंधन, और श्रम) सदा रहते हैं. आसानी के लिए जैसे आज पढ़ाने वाले को अध्यापक, रक्षा करने वाले को सैनिक, व्यवसाय करने वाले को व्यवसायी आदि कहते हैं वैसे ही पहले उन्हें क्रमशः ब्रह्मण, क्षत्रिय या वैश्य कहा गया और इनसे अलग अन्य काम करने वालों को शूद्र. अतः यह वर्ण व्यवस्था जन्म- आधारित नहीं है|

आजकल प्रचलित कुलनाम ( surname)  लगाने के रिवाज से इन वर्णों का कोई लेना-देना नहीं है | हमारे प्राचीन धर्मग्रन्थ रामायण, महाभारत या अन्य ग्रंथों में भी इस तरह से प्रथम नाम- मध्य नाम- कुलनाम लगाने का कोई चलन नहीं पाया जाता है और न ही आर्य शब्द किसी प्रकार की वंशावली को दर्शाता है|

निस्संदेह, परिवार तथा उसकी पृष्टभूमि का किसी व्यक्ति को संस्कारवान बनाने में महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है परंतु इससे कोई अज्ञात कुल का मनुष्य आर्य नहीं हो सकता यह तात्पर्य नहीं है | हमारे पतन का एक प्रमुख कारण है मिथ्या जन्मना जाति व्यवस्था जिसे हम आज मूर्खता पूर्वक अपनाये बैठे हैं और जिसके चलते हमने अपने समाज के एक बड़े हिस्से को अपने से अलग कर रखा है – उन्हें शूद्र या अछूत का दर्जा देकर – महज इसलिए कि हमें उनका मूल पता नहीं है | यह अत्यंत खेदजनक है |

आर्य शब्द किसी गोत्र से भी सरोकार नहीं रखता | गोत्र का वर्गीकरण नजदीकी संबंधों में विवाह से बचने के लिए किया गया था | प्रचलित कुलनामों का शायद ही किसी गोत्र से सम्बन्ध भी हो |

आर्य शब्द श्रेष्टता का द्योतक है | और किसी की श्रेष्ठता को जांचने में पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमि कोई मापदंड हो ही नहीं सकता क्योंकि किसी चिकित्सक का बेटा केवल इसी लिए चिकित्सक नहीं कहलाया जा सकता क्योंकि उसका पिता चिकित्सक है, वहीँ दूसरी ओर कोई अनाथ बच्चा भी यदि पढ़ जाए तो चिकित्सक हो सकता है. ठीक इसी तरह किसी का यह कहना कि शूद्र ब्राह्मण नहीं बन सकता – सर्वथा गलत है |

ब्राह्मण का अर्थ है ज्ञान संपन्न व्यक्ति और जो शिक्षा या प्रशिक्षण के अभाव में ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय या वैश्य बनाने की योग्यता न रखता हो – वह शूद्र है |  परंतु शूद्र भी अपने प्रयत्न से ज्ञान और प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करके वर्ण बदल सकता है | ब्राह्मण वर्ण को भी प्राप्त कर सकता है |

द्विज – अर्थात् जिसने दो बार जन्म लिया हो | जन्म से तो सभी शूद्र समझे गए हैं | ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय और वैश्य इन तीन वर्णों को द्विज कहते हैं क्योंकि विद्या प्राप्ति के उपरांत योग्यता हासिल करके वे समाज के कल्याण में सहयोग प्रदान करते हैं | इस तरह से इनका दूसरा जन्म ‘ विद्या जन्म’ होता है | केवल माता-पिता से जन्म प्राप्त करनेवाले और विद्याप्राप्ति में असफ़ल व्यक्ति इस दूसरे जन्म ‘ विद्या जन्म ‘ से वंचित रह जाते हैं – वे शूद्र हैं |

 अतः यदि ब्राह्मण पुत्र भी अशिक्षित है तो वह शूद्र है और शूद्र भी अपने निश्चय से ज्ञान, विद्या और संस्कार प्राप्त करके ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय या वैश्य बन सकता है | इस में माता- पिता द्वारा प्राप्त जन्म का कोई संबंध नहीं है |

आइए, हम सब सत्य ग्राही बनें, मिथ्या जातिवाद की जकड़ से मुक्त होकर एकात्म और सशक्त समाज तथा राष्ट्र का निर्माण करें | विशेष विश्लेषण के लिए पढ़ें: http://agniveer.com/4034/caste-vedas-hi/

How many wives is a Hindu man permitted?

Ink drawing of Ganesha under an umbrella, with...

Some Times By : SAM Hindu 

How many wives  is a Hindu man permitted?


Well, the fact actually is, that according to the Hindu scriptures, a hindu  can have more than one wife.
It was only in 1954 that the Indian  Constitution passed a law, as the Hindu Marraige Act that a hindu can marry only  one. Otherwise before that polygamy was allowed,
so that means the Indian  Constitution has made it illegal, whereas the hindu scriptures permit it.
  In a survey, there were more hindus with many wives as compared to muslims.  Hindus should fight for their right according to hindu scriptures. And  practically, there are more females than males, so where would the rest of the  females marry. Thousands of females die every year due female foeticide and  infanticide, which further decreases the female population.

The  female population in India, barring Kerala, is less (I should say seriously  less) than the male population. Under the circumstances, polygamy does not make  any sense in India. And the so called law prohibits it, which is total fabrication to keep Hindu’s under control., and I reject the Law.

All our Hindu God has more then one wife. Lord Krishna had 8 wifes. And father of Lord Rama had Three.
 Let us first try to increase the  female population and save the girl child. However, first paragraph is  correct.
Marriage to more than one spouse at a time. Although the term may also  refer to polyandry (marriage to more than one man), it is often used as a  synonym for polygyny (marriage to more than one woman), which appears to have  once been common in most of the world and is still found widely in some  cultures.
Polygyny seems to offer the husband increased prestige, economic  stability, and sexual companionship in cultures where pregnancy and lactation  dictate abstinence, while offering the wives a shared labour burden and an  institutionalized role where a surplus of unmarried women might otherwise exist. 
The polygynous family is often fraught with bickering and sexual jealousy; to  preserve harmony, one wife may be accorded seniority, and each wife and her  children may have separate living quarters.

Polyandry is relatively rare; in  parts of the Himalayas, where brothers may marry a single woman, the practice  serves to limit the number of descendants and keep limited land within the  household.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/plural-marriage#ixzz1MtwEDBZA

How Many Hindus Are There In the US?

How Many Hindus Are There In the US?

(HPI note: This article appeared in the
January/February/March 2008 issue of Hinduism Today.
Full text below.)

Hinduism Today was recently asked to provide a
definitive estimate of Hindus in America. Our
conclusion: as of 2008, there are more than
2,290,000 Hindus in the US.

There are no official government statistics on the
number of adherents to any particular religion in
America, because the US Census does not collect data
on religion. Estimates are made mostly by national

These are useful for large religious
communities, but inaccurate for small ones. For
Hinduism, we believe the soundest approach is based
on the number of people in America of Indian origin.

The US Census Bureau conducts an ongoing statistical
study called American Community Survey, which
provides yearly updates to the decennial American
census. The Survey offers up-to-date information on
demographics, housing, society and the economy in
America, based on a sample of three million
households interviewed each year (out of 105

The 2006 Survey, which was released in
October, 2007, counted 2,482,141 Asian Indians. This
includes those of Indian origin coming from
countries such as Trinidad, Kenya, Surinam and Fiji.

Other figures are based on even less concrete
information than the ARIS results. Harvard’s
Pluralism Project estimates 1,300,000 Hindus, based
on the 2004 World Almanac figure of
1,285,000–which, in turn, was based on information
from the 1999 Yearbook of American and Canadian

The Encyclopedia Britannica estimates
1,032,000 Hindus in America by 2000. The World
Christian Encyclopedia (1985 edition) projected
700,000 Hindus in 2000, at 0.3% of the population,
based on census date from the 1980s.

The popular
website http://www.adherents.com uses the ARIS figure, but
updates it using growth estimates.
All are no more than educated guesses.Many
Americans who are not ethnic Indians embrace Hindu
practice or belief to one degree or another.

Arya Ashfaqullah Khan – our role model

Arya Ashfaqullah Khan – Our Role Model
October 22, 2010 By Agniveer
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मौत और ज़िन्दगी है दुनिया का सब तमाशा,
फरमान कृष्ण का था, अर्जुन को बीच रन में|
– अशफाक

Scene 1:

A youth was lying semi-conscious on floor uttering only ‘Hey Ram’, ‘Hey Ram’ after a stroke. People gathered around trying to revive him wondering why a devout worshipper of Allah was uttering name of Ram in such a stage! One of his friends knew the mystery and immediately brought his ‘Ram’ on scene. Only then did the young man obtain some peace and got back to life. Such was his love for Ram Prasad Bismil – the legendary mentor of a whole generation of patriotic revolutionaries. The young man was none other than Bismil’s alter-ego Ashfaqullah Khan.

Scene 2:

A gang of fanatic Muslims entered Arya Samaj, Shajhahanpur to kill Bismil and other Arya Samajis for questioning Islam and promoting Shuddhi. Ashfaqullah was also there. In fact Arya Samaj was more than his own home for Ashfaq. Immediately he stood up and took the leader of the gang at gun-point. He threatened to kill him if they did not go back. He said that to bring damage to Arya Samaj, they would have to first kill him.

Scene 3:

Ram Prasad Bismil was a devout Arya Samaji actively involved in Shuddhi movement. Ashfaq was from a conservative Muslim family. But Ashfaq was resolved to win trust and heart of Bismil. Bismil did avoid him in beginning but that could not deter Ashfaq. He knew that true worship of Allah exists only in Vedas. And for Ashfaq, that road to Vedic worship passed through Bismil – the tejasvi Brahmchari who epitomized Tawheed.

Eventually they became so close that they used to eat from same plate and Ashfaq spent more time with Bismil in Arya Samaj than his own home. The two legends together, in a way, shaped the destiny of future freedom movement.

Scene 4:

After being captured, a policeman asked Ashfaq – “Why are you working with Hindus to bring down British Empire? After all you are a Muslim.” Ashfaq replied promptly:
“Because Hindu Rashtra would be way better than British Empire!”

These are not scenes from a fictitious film but true incidents from life of one of the greatest patriots to have taken birth – Ashfaqullah Khan. While the world may have forgotten him and even Muslim leaders desist from highlighting this freedom fighter, he remains our role model.

– He was the first Muslim to willingly sacrifice his life at the gallows for sake of motherland. All at a tender age of 27. He writes that he was proud to be the first Muslim to do so and be first Muslim in his generations to serve the motherland.

It is time that our Muslim community gives birth to many such Ashfaqs and we work together with them like Bismil.

– He promised his mentor Ram Prasad Bismil to live and die with him. Eventually that became true and both great legends were hanged on same day on December 19, 1927.

– He was a true icon of Hindu-Muslim solidarity. His religion never forced him to curse an Arya Samaji – a critic of Islam – to eternal Hell. On contrary, the truthfulness and high character of Bismil made him consider Bismil as his role model and elder brother, much more dearer than his own family.

The great hero however had a very disappointing end. He was eventually captured by British because a Pathan befriended him in name of same ideology, and then informed police out of greed.

Today most Muslim organizations and leaders shy away from taking even his name. Zakir Naik will never praise Ashfaq for his sacrifice and patriotism. On contrary these perverts would believe that he might deserve Hell for doing the Shirk of writing poems on having soil of motherland even in grave, or being more closer to Arya Samaj than the mosque.

These fake leaders and representatives of Islam are acting like the treacherous Pathans for the Ashfaqs among the Muslim population. And thus Ashfaquallah Khan – one of the greatest patriots ever born in this country – is a forgotten name.

We wish that instead of terrorists like Zakir Naik, such great legends like Ashfaq become the role models for Muslim youth. Agniveer is committed to revive the era of Ashfaq and Bismil and work among our Muslim brothers and sisters to nurture many more Ashfaqs that not only make Muslim community but entire humanity proud. And also expose the fraud Pathans who want to cheat Ashfaqs of today for their petty greed.

Our humblest salute to the legacy of legendary Ashfaq – a true Arya.

Vande Mataram!

Some great thoughts of Ashfaq:

कुछ आरजू नहीं है, है आरजू तो यह
रख दे कोई ज़रा सी खाके वतन कफ़न में|
ए पुख्तकार उल्फत हुसियार, डिग ना जाना,
मराज आशकां है इस दार और रसन में|
मौत और ज़िन्दगी है दुनिया का सब तमाशा,
फरमान कृष्ण का था, अर्जुन को बीच रन में|

– It is clear that Ashfaq considered Krishna as his role model and believed in transmigration of soul which indeed is true Islam. For details, refer Islam and Rebirth.

– Is this the reason why Ashfaq is not highlighted by representatives of Islam like Zakir Naik? Because he glorified legends of India, believed in history of Mahabharat and represented the ideology of Islam that supports concepts of rebirth and patriotism – which is alien to the terrorist version of Islam who only believe in two divisions – Muslim and non-Muslim.

न कोई इंग्लिश है न कोई जर्मन,
न कोई रशियन है न कोई तुर्की|
मिटाने वाले हैं अपने हिंदी,
जो आज हमको मिटा रहे हैं||

– Again it is evident that Ashfaq considered English, Turks etc as foreigners and wanted to live, die and complain only for natives of the motherland.

बुजदिलो को ही सदा मौत से डरते देखा,
गो कि सौ बार उन्हें रोज़ ही मरते देखा|
मौत से वीर को हमने नहीं डरते देखा,
मौत को एक बार जब आना है तो डरना क्या है,
हम सदा खेल ही समझा किये, मरना क्या है|
वतन हमेशा रहे शादकाम और आज़ाद,
हमारा क्या है, अगर हम रहे, रहे न रहे||

– What could depict greater love for beloved motherland! Hats off to the great poet cum patriot! May my motherland give birth to many such Ashfaqs.

For more details, refer:

1. Autobiography of Bismil

2. Biography of Ashfaqullah Khan

3. Google Book

Morari Bapu need to Go Back to School..

Morari Bapu need to Go Back to School...

via Morari Bapu need to Go Back to School...

Islam Can’t Stand The Truth… /Bukhari Has a Trouble Accepting Truth


Islam always has a trouble Accepting Truth and Answer the inquisitive questions from their own cult members and outside world. Recent example was when an Indian Journalist asked Imam of Delhi Mosque who claims to be Bukhari but in fact he is a Fake Imam and impostor.

Imam Bukhari is using gullible people and spreading lies about his cult and ordinary people who can’t even read to use their own brain in critical thinking are taking innocent gullible people  for ride by this Lazy Imam living his luxurious life off other people’s money and who has never done an honest day of  work whose shop is running off these ignorant people and cult.

Imam Bukhari whose salary was mere 300 rupees per month and after a murder in Jama Masjid this clerk took over Mosque and self-proclaimed Imam started living luxurious life has a very dark past and his hands are stained with blood, lies, and Hulligan.

After Ayodhya Ram Janm Bhoomi verdict by High Cour and during Press conference when A Moslim journalist asked his question he lost his cool.

Shahi Imam thrash reporter for asking question over Ayodhya.

Islam and followers are known “I am right” attitude and suppressing other non muslims round them by their false claims  and cooked up stories

A recent example is seen recently at  Lucknow

Muslim journalist  simply asked question that According to 1528 year khatoni Raja Dasarath  is the owner of that land than why they r not giving land to his son RAm………………?????????Imam got out of control after hearing truth.
Bukhari was vehemently criticizing the Allahabad high court judgment on Ayodhya title suits, saying it was based on belief rather than facts.

but when another reporter Abdul Waheed Chishti (a muslim) replied with real fact “Why you are trying to mislead Muslims when the revenue record of 1,528 indicates that Raja Dashrath palace stood on the (disputed) spot and after the high court verdict that it should be handed over to Ram Lalla (idols of baby Ram)?”

this Bukhari the tactful figure representing logical Islam burst abused Chishti verbally and shouted: “Shut up and sit down, you Congress agent. I will chop your neck off.”
At one point, he even said, “It is because of traitors like you that Babri Masjid was demolished”



Mohammad used to get irritated when someone used to ask too much logical question.Bukhari has truly followed the footstep of Mohammad. Questioning Islamic
concepts is the biggest crime, called blasphemy, and is punishable by death. When Mohammad failed to prove his claim he started threatening people in the name of Allah.That’s the reason Bukhari threatened News reporter with death.

Allah will admire those who put blind faith in Him; believing in Him without any question and argument…50:31–33
Do not ask questions on matters of Qur’an revelations…5:101
Asking questions about Qur’an may cause one to lose faith…5:102

Do not question Allah for His acts but He will question everyone…21:23

And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like there unto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true…2.023

It is utter impudence for men to question about how their petrified bones will become alive on the resurrection day…36:78

None should question about Allah’s retribution; you should be crying instead of laughing and bow down to Him…53:59-62

It is a great insolent to question the resurrection day when you are alive…75:5-6.

When Abu sufiyan Questioned the Authority of Mohammad as messenger of God he was threatened with death .Similar thing was done by Bukhari in Lucknow.
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