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Bow Nobama’s Terrorist Connection

Bow Nobama is right on India, wrong on Pakistan and his terrorist connection by appointing Kathawari of EHAN ALLEN.
By M D Nalapat and Sam HIndu


The presence of a very influential pro-Pakistan group within the Pentagon and a pro-China lobby within the Department of Commerce during the Clinton,Bush and now Obama periods have ensured that this blacklisting of India has endured to the present. It was with surprise, therefore, that the Pakistan and China lobbies in the US reacted to President Obama’s promise (made before the Indian Parliament on November 9) to remove India from the so-called “Entity Lists”, and to give the world’s most populous democracy the same status as Germany and Japan.


The Pakistan army is aware that there can be no solution to Kashmir for decades to come,which is why they seek to blackmail NATO by demanding Indian concessions that this alliance is in no condition to enforce.

Instead, those Pakistani generals, brigadiers and colonels who assist the Taliban and other terror groups (including the JeM and the LeT) should be subject to the same sanctions as are being applied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

SIX weeks before leaving for Mumbai, President Barack Obama appointed a Kashmiri furniture dealer from New York, Farook Kathwari, Boycott Ethan Allen Which is supporting Terrorist Jihad. as a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Asian American and Pacific Islander affairs Kathwari is a generous financial backer of groups that have sought to integrate Kashmir with Pakistan. His own son left for Pakistan during the Clinton presidency to train as a jihadist.

After developing expertise in the handling of AK-47s and the use of grenades, Kathwari Junior was inserted into the Kashmir valley by the ISI (an organisation that has had close and open links to Kathwari Senior since the 1970s), only to fall to an Indian bullet. On getting news of this, Kathwari held a get-together in his New York apartment to celebrate the young man’s martyrdom. All this, of course,was before 9/11 made jihad unfashionable for New Yorkers.

Kathwari’s embrace of jihad and collaboration with the ISI’s schemes for acts of violence in India have not stood in the way of this backer of violence in Kashmir developing a close personal bond with Bill Clinton’s team, a warmth that endures to the present.

He has repeatedly peppered both the US Congress as well as the US Administration with tracts explaining why the full might of the US ought to be deployed to secure “azaadi” for the Kashmiri people“. Of course, to Kathwari, the “people of Kashmir” comprise only the 780,000 Valley inhabitants who are Wahabbis, rather than the other six million Kashmiris, who are content to remain within India, and who include the state’s Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists, besides the Muslim Shia, Gujjas, Sufi and Bakkerwal community.

In the international media and western chancelleries, the implicit assumption made while discussing Kashmir is that the state is comprised only of its Wahabbi minority, a view that geopolitical links between the West and the biggest financial backer of Kashmiri Wahabbis-Saudi Arabia -have only reinforced. Looking through the columns of the New York Times, The Washington Post or the Guardian, one may be forgiven for believing that Kashmir is exclusively Wahabbi,for it is only the views of that minority that get represented in these columns as “Kashmiri” opinion.Our own copycat media follows this trend faithfully.

The sharp spike in terrorist incidents in Kashmir during the 2000 visit of (then) President Clinton to India was because it had been the Arkansan’s administration that had pushed and pummelled India for eight years in an effort to force it to surrender control over Kashmir. The jihadis had hoped that the innocent blood that they spilled in grisly terrorist incidents would strengthen their friend Clinton in forcing concessions from the Vajpayee government (which incidentally was nudged by the Clinton team into accepting Farook Kathwari as an “interlocuter” in its Kashmir dialogue, a shameful decision).

President Clinton had linked a “solution of the Kashmir problem” to Pakistan’s satisfaction as proof that India was a “mature nation”. Mature enough, that is, to commit suicide. While a US Senator, Hillary Clinton continued her husband’s cosy links to Kathwari and other pro-Pakistan lobbyists in DC, New York, Chicago and elsewhere,and has been known to favour the continuance of the harsh Clinton policy of placing India in the same basket as Iran and North Korea, when it comes to the question of access to US “dual use” ( or hi-tech) items.

The presence of a very influential pro-Pakistan group within the Pentagon and a pro-China lobby within the Department of Commerce during the Clinton, Bush and now Obama periods have ensured that this blacklisting of India has endured to the present. It was with surprise, therefore, that the Pakistan and China lobbies in the US reacted to President Obama’s promise (made before the Indian parliament on November 9) to remove India from the so-called “Entity Lists”, and to give the world’s most populous democracy the same status as Germany and Japan. Obama further sweetened his message by placing the US behind India’s bid to become a permament member of the UN Security Council, a policy already accepted by Russia, France and the UK, thereby leaving only China out as the only P-5 (Permanent Five) member not to back India as a permanent member of the UNSC.

The powerful trio of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been sceptical of what may be termed the “George W Bush line” (or, indeed, the Franklin Roosevelt line) of treating India on par with key US allies. The three have repeatedly pointed to the lack of tact and transparency in India as reasons why the policy concessions announced by President Obama ought to have been denied till “the Indians make substantive concessions”. Robert Gates has followed the advice of key assistants in insisting on Delhi accepting the same conditions for transfer of US equipment that Islamabad does. The difference-be

sides the ones obvious to all except Gates and his team-is that the Pakistan side routinely signs agreements that it has no intention of ever keeping, while in India, a nervous bureacracy (eager for its prized UN and World Bank assignments,all of which depend on goodwill from both the US as well as China) ensures that commitments are kept.

Had the US Defense Secretary shown a modicum of flexibility in his dealings with India, by now at least two of the three agreements that he has been pressing the Manmohan Singh government to sign since 2005 would have been inked: that on the provision of logistical support,and the other on communications security.

In the case of Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, he has developed a fixation with China, an attitude that has led him to neglect the potential for US businesses in India. In common with his Bush-era predecessor, Locke has been pushing India for concessions that would amount to political suicide for Manmohan Singh, such as opening up the retail trade to foreign brands without placing restrictions that protect the 28 million jobs that “kirana” (or small) retail trade provides in India.

The US Commerce Secretary has become accustomed to doing business with China, a country where there is no need to consult public opinion before taking a decision. In this irritation with the admittedly more roundabout procedures of a democracy, and in his reluctance to take India off the list of countries that US companies face major hurdles in doing business with, Locke has been on the same page of Hillary Clinton, who has thus far followed the Bill Clinton line on foreign policy, including on relations with India, China and Pakistan.

That President Obama did not bring along the Secretary of State on his India tour was an early indication that he was planning to jettison the Clinton policy of giving only minor concessions in exchange for substantive and significant changes in Indian policies.

Instead, he has adopted a bold policy of accepting India’s case that this democracy of 1.2 billion people deserves at the least the same treatment as is given to Germany, France and Japan.

If the 2008 India-specific waiver at the Nuclear Suppliers Group indicated the beginning of the end of the US policy of boxing India into a lesser category than its main NATO allies, the November 9,2010 Obama speech before the Indian parliament seems to have signalled the start of a “Relationship of Equals” between the US and India. As “equal”, that is, as Japan or Germany are with the US. Two years into his Presidency, Barack Obama seems to be freeing himself of the Clinton fetters that ensured his humiliation in the just-concluded Congressional polls. In his India policy, he has certainly shown that he favours change, and that he has the fire within him to force through that change over the wishes of his India-sceptic troika, Gates, Locke and Clinton. However, if the US-and the entire international community-is to get the benefit of such a re-assertion of Obama over Clinton, President Obama needs to break away from the Afghanistan-Pakistan policy that he has inherited from Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney, that of relying on the Pakistan army to take down the Taliban. That so many in the US cling to such a delusion is not surprising in a country where more than half the population believes that Saddam Hussein was the head of Al Qaeda, when in fact that mishmash of relics spent years seeking to murder him, a task successfully carried out by George W Bush,who thereupon avenged the attempted assassination of Bush Senior by Saddam a decade before he occupied Iraq.

Unless the US and other NATO forces remove the imaginary distinction between the Pakistan and Afghanistan Pashtun belt,and treat the entire territory as a single military zone, they will continue to find the Taliban regrouping. The Pakistan army lacks the resilience and the training to take on the Taliban, no matter the extent to which they are stuffed with US weapons.

NATO troops need to remove the safe havens from Pakistan by a judicious use of land,air and sea-power. Although this may be opposed initially by Pakistan (especially its military), the positive results within Pakistan society of the elimination of the Taliban will more than compensate for such temporary discord. There is nothing that India can do to make Pakistan more stable, unless Islamabad first allows free trade between the two countries, and opens up hitherto-blocked transit routes.The Obama administration needs to ensure such outcomes

The Pakistan army is aware that there can be no solution to Kashmir for decades to come, which is why they seek to blackmail NATO by demanding Indian concessions that this alliance is in no condition to enforce.

Instead, those Pakistani generals, brigadiers and colonels who assist the Taliban and other terror groups (including the JeM and the LeT) should be subject to the same sanctions as are being applied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. They should be arrested if travelling abroad, and their dependents ought to be prevented from foreign travel, as it is more than likely that these may be acting as carriers of instructions and money to terror groups.

Unless the Pakistan army feels the pain of backing the terror groups, they will continue to do so. Unfortunately, both the Vajpayee as well as the Manmohan Singh governments have dealt with Pakistan in a very Mahatma Gandhi fashion, with India making all the sacrifices. NATO is going down the same path.

Unless it be understood that Pakistan can be saved from implosion only if the military is prevented from backing terror groups, the descent of that country towards extreme chaos will continue. It is not India that can ensure a stable Pakistan but NATO, by enforcing accountability on a military that has been surviving on handouts from the US, China and Saudi Arabia.

And what about a stable India? The only way to ensure this is to take ruthless action against the corruption that has pervaded every aspect of governmental operations. The US has excellent ways of tracking money flows.

Manmohan Singh needs to ask President Obama to forge a partnership with India that would give access to the results of US monitoring of illegal money flows from India into safe havens such as London, Dubai, Singapore and Macau. These days, too many politicians are escaping the attention of Indian agencies, rendered toothless by the over-tasking that has been a feature of the Chidambaram period in the Union Finance Ministry. The current Home Minister brought in numerous new restrictions and powers “to fight Black Money”.

However, he knew full well that each such tightening of the regulatory screw would lead to massive increases in bribes, the reason why Palaniappan Chidambaram is a hero to legions of corrupt officials. Instead, what needs to be enforced is better monitoring, and because so much of the cash is going abroad (often in lorryloads of currency via the Nepal border), the help of the US needs to be taken to identify the major perpetrators. Such help can uncover the fresh deposits being made from India, so that those responsible can be exposed to public scrutiny. A stable Pakistan needs a military removed from jihad. A stable India needs to see its VVIP corrupt in jail.

Boycott Ethan Allen Which is supporting Terrorist Jihad.

Islamization of Kashmir through Media Manipulation

Islamization of Kashmir through Media Manipulation 

 BY ;  Hira Fotedar

Reproduced from 

On August 15, 2008, on India’s Independence Day, Kashmir valley witnessed an unprecedented event as Pakistani flag was hoisted in Lal Chowk in the heart of Srinagar while Indian security forces stood by as moot and passive spectators.

 Following this, on August 18, 2008, separatists organized a huge rally attended by over 100,000 Kashmiri Muslims denouncing India and demanding Azadi and the imposition of Islamic rule in Kashmir. The demonstration was led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani an ex-government school teacher and Congress supported former Member of J&K Legislative Assembly.

.Jamat-i-Islami the international headquarters of the Islamic fundamentalist movement based in Saudi Arabia and Pakistani Rabita-ul-Islam –fascist outfit with connections to theo a -i-Islami

According to press reports (Guardian 8/22/08) “there were green flags on every lamp post, every roof, every bus stop, and on the roof of chinar trees. A big one fluttered outside the All India Radio building. Roadsides were painterd over. Rawalpindi they said or simply Pakistan”

Everywhere there were Pakistani flags, everywhere the cry Pakistan se rishta kya? La illah illah (What is our bond with Pakistan? There is no God but Allah.) Azadi ka matlab kya? La illah illah (What does freedom mean? There is no god but Allah). The crowd chanted “crush India”, “When Lashkar comes India will be defeated”, “Kashmir ki Mandi-Rawalpindi”.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani a leader of Pro-Pakistani faction of Hurriyet began his address with a recitation of Qur’an told the crowd that the only way for the struggle to succeed was to turn to Quran for guidance. He said “Pakistan was created for Islam and must continue to safe guard interests of Islam. Likewise in Kashmir nationalism will not work, the American world order will not work, only Islam unites us……….”

In an interview (Rediff.com) with Asha Khosa on August 25, 2008, Mr. Geelani expounded on his plans for Kashmir. He said “I have a three point target, first to impose Islamic Nizam (jurisprudence) in Kashmir. Islam should govern our political thought, socio economic plans, culture and the ongoing movement. The creed of socialism and secularism should not touch our lives and we must totally be governed by Koran and Sunnat (precedents from Prophet Muhammad’s life)”.

Watching this scenario unfold in the Kashmir Valley must give the rulers in Pakistan, the Pakistani Army and ISI great satisfaction. Having failed to annex Kashmir by force in 1947, 1965 and 1971 wars with India, Pakistan was finally achieving Islamization of Kashmir through subversion, intrigue, media manipulation and terrorism.


To achieve the goal of Islamization, Pakistan ISI had been working hard for over 30 years to change the centuries old Kashmiri Muslim outlook of secularism and Kashmiriyet to the ideology of fundamentalist Islam. This was done by implanting seeds of subversion and terrorism in two stages:

Stage I began in 1965, with operation “Gibraltar” with heavy infiltration of Pakistani nationals as well as military training of Kashmiri Muslim youth. These youths were recruited by Jamaat Roy and other fellow travelers for maximum propaganda effect.Arundhati Malik and invited guests such as leftist writer Yasin Shah, Shabir Omar a religious leader, former terrorists Mirwaiz He was accompanied by other Kashmiri Muslim leaders such as

 This organization developed an elaborate infrastructure for propagating Wahabi style Islamic ideology through mosques, study groups and schools in Kashmiri towns and villages with the connivance of civil adminstartion funded by Indian tax payers. Study circles received money directly from Arab countries through the medium of Muslim Welfare Society,

ostensibly for promoting Islamic culture. In mid seventies these Study Circles started operating openly in colleges and universities as well as in Government offices. Moulvis were recruited from UP and Bihar in India to whip up communal and secessionist passions.

These Moulvis have played a critical role in subverting the Kashmiri Sufi-Islamic tradition and whip up passions against secular and liberal Kashmiri Hindus and Muslims. To expand its influence among women Shoba-i-Khowateen was launched. It advocates strict observance of Islamic codes for women.

Its impact began to be noticed when Kashmiri women who for centuries never accepted veil now were using Arab style Burqa. Many members of this organization formed Dukhtarain-i-Millat with the goal of supporting Islamic terrorists by engaging in intelligence gathering, ferrying arms, keeping under custody the kidnapped victims as well as raking up false stories of human rights abuse and accuse Indian security forces of committing rapes in order to gain international media attention.

Stage I produced Kashmiri leaders such as Yasin Malik of JKLF, Syed Ali Shah Geelani of Jamat, Dr. Ayub Thukar of World Kashmiri Movement, Ghulam Nabi Fai of Kashmir American Council as well as Syed Sallahudin of Hizbul Mujahdeen based in Pakistan.

These people have been at the forefront of media manipulation to denigrate India and present Islamic movement in Kashmir as a movement for liberation and freedom to hoodwink Indian and foreign Journalists, Academics and Politicians.

Stage II of Pakistani subversion and terrorism began with operation “TOPAC” in late 70’s after the defeat of Pakistan in 1971 war with India. It was designed as part of a proxy war by Pakistan against India to wrest control of Kashmir. Having established a viable fundamentalist Islamic infrastructure through Jamat controlled schools, colleges and with thousands of trained sympathizers in the police and civilian government, Operation TOPAC aimed to bleed India and make it powerless in Kashmir.

The goal was to provide Pakistan complete deniability of its involvement as the conflict would appear as an indigenous uprising by Kashmiri Muslims fighting for Azadi against “oppressive Hindu Indians”. Operation TOPAC was conceived by Gen. Zia Ul Huq as an Action Plan for incorporation of Kashmir into Pakistan through Jihad and creating a grass roots movement of freedom from India using Islam as the uniting force.


Operation TOPAC had four aims:
1. Train Kashmiri youths in handling of sophisticated arms
2. To destabilize and discourage the state administration
3. To make Kashmir valley a Hindu-less Muslim area.
4. To prepare Kashmiri Muslims for Jehad.

This was to be accomplished in two phases:

Phase 1
1. The sentiments of students and farmers be aroused against India and their cooperation will be sought for anti-government demonstrations and riots.
2. Create chaos and spread terror
3. Impart military training to Mujahdeen for fighting Para-military forces and the army
4. Disrupt communication links between the valley, Jammu and Laddakh.
5. Help of Sikh militants be sought for insurgency activities in Jammu region in order to divert the attention of security forces in the valley and make the governments position awkward and disgraceful
6. Take control of the areas where security forces are camped. South Kashmir is suitable for this action.

Phase 2

1. Mount pressure on the Indian Army in Siachin, Kargil, Rajouri and Poonch areas in order to bring down the morale
2. Sudden and vigorous attacks be made on the Army depots and Army convoys at Srinagar, Pattan, Kupwara, Bandipoa and Chowkibal.
3. Afghan Mujahdeen would be infiltrated from Azad Kashmir (Pakistan occupied Kashmir) in order to intensify the freedom struggle of Kashmiri Mujahdeen.
4. Mistake in carrying out “Operation Gibraltar” of 1965 should not be repeated.
5. Special task force under the command of retired Pakistani Army Officers, mainly Afghans will be sent to blast the railway stations, Aerodrome, Jawahar Tunnel, Leh Sonamarg road and Army cantonments etc. After successful operations in the valley, parts of Jammu and Laddakh will also be brought under the full fledged armed insurgency operation.


The very first evidence of the presence of arms and trained terrorists in the valley came in August 1988 during the riots that occurred in Srinagar after Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Huq’s death in an air crash. The entire town of Srinagar was in turmoil with wide spread looting and arson. Curfew had to be imposed on several areas of inner-city Srinagar strong hold of Jamat-i- Islami. During curfew hours mobs attacked the paramilitary police with semi-automatic weapons, a phenomenon which was unknown before this time.

After a lull of one year violence started again in September 1989 with the murder of prominent Kashmiri Hindus such as a prominent Lawyer Mr. Tika Lal Taploo, Justice Neel Kanth Ganjoo, famous Kashmiri poet Sarwanand Premi along with thousands of Hindu teachers, engineers, doctors and civil servants.

Mosques became the hotbed of terrorist activity during the winter months of 1989-90 for the recruitment of Kashmiri Muslim boys for the cause of Jihad. Video shows describing terrorist tactics and guerilla warfare began running on a 24 hour basis in the mosques and other public places.

Pakistan television and radio started creating a sense of hysteria by broadcasting vicious propaganda aimed at arousing the religious feelings among Kashmiri Muslims. Posters started appearing in Srinagar and other towns asking people to observe strict Islamic codes regarding dress, food and entertainment.

 Video shops and cinema theaters were forced to shut down, drinking of alcohol was banned. Pakistani currency started to appear in circulation and several attempts were made to ban Indian currency. By the end of 1989 Kashmir valley had become a de-facto Pakistani territory with each move of the terrorists legitimized and accepted by the public under duress. Young men wielding guns and pistols began to be accepted as a status symbol in Kashmir and being called a Mujhdeen became a real honor for the Muslim boys and their families.


On January 4, 1990 Aftab an Urdu daily of Srinagar published a press release from Hizbul Mujahdeen asking Kashmiri Hindus to leave Kashmir or face annihilation. Alsafa another Urdu newspaper repeated these warnings. On January 19, 1990 JKF, Hizbul-Mujahdeen and other terrorist outfits declared the introduction of Nizam-e-Mustafa (Islamic rule) in Kashmir.

On the night of January 19, 1990 all mosques in the valley began to issue threats and warnings to Kashmiri Hindus with loudspeakers broadcasting taped messages, continuously for 24 hours for three consecutive days creating a psychosis of fear and doom.

“Kashmir mein agar rehna hai; Allah-o-Akbar Kehna hai” ( If you want to live in Kashmir you will have to convert and chant Allah-o-Akbar)

“Asi gachchi Pakistan; Batao roas te Batni san” (We want Pakistan with Kashmiri Hindu women but without their men folk)

“Yhan kya chalega; Nizame Mustafa” ( What kind of law will work here Islamic law)

These threats led to the exodus of 350,000 Kashmiri Hindus form the valley ensuring complete Islamization.


1. Misguided Youths, Militants, Jehadis and Islamic Terrorists

The manipulation of Indian media by Kashmiri Muslims began in late sixties after 1965 Indo Pak war with the formation of Jamat-i-Islami affiliated Al-Fatah and Muslim Janbaz Force. These outfits were at the forefront of armed terrorists acts in Kashmir. Their cadres received training in Pakistan and funding from Arab countries, eventually morphing into JKLF (Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front) and present day Hurriyet with the active backing of Pakistan. JKLF and Hurriyet touts itself as a secular even though its core ideology is to impose Islamic rule in Kashmir and banish Kashmiri Hindus. No one in the media ever questioned why its leaders were only Muslims if it was indeed secular.

 When some of their activists were arrested and convicted for murder, loot and arson the sympathetic J&K Government Officials would release them by referring to them as Misguided Youths. As reported in India Today, April 30, 1990 “Between July and December 1989,

 70 hardcore terrorists were released by Farooq Abdullah government. All detentions had been confirmed by the Advisory Body headed by the Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court”. No one in the media took Farooq Abdullah to task for releasing convicted killers and thus encouraging more terrorism.

These misguided youths later became, Militants, Jehadis and now Islamic terrorists

2. Migrants, refugees or internally displaced people

Kashmiri Hindus forced to flee their homes were dubbed as Migrants by Kashmiri Muslim press. No one in Indian media challenged this terminology. Calling them refugees or internally displaced people would call into question the secular façade of Kashmir valley and its Muslim Leadership who were in cahoots with the Congress Government.

3. Militant religious organizations operating under secular garb

In Kashmir valley many organizations espouse to be secular where as their core membership comprises of people with close association with Jamat-i-Islami such as People’s League, People’s Democratic Party, and Hurriyet etc. Outside India, World Kashmir Movement (WKM) in London and Kashmir American Council (KAC) in Washington DC serve as mouthpiece of Islamists and pro Pakistani elements.

These organizations have hired western lobbyists to project Islamic terrorists as freedom fighters fighting for liberation of J&K from India. These Lobbyists are paid by Pakistan and Arab countries.

In order to keep India and its security forces on the defensive these organizations employ leftist Indian Journalists, Academics and politicians to espouse and parrot the cause of the secessionist. Kashmir American Council has published pamphlets for distribution to journalists and members of the Congress and Senate in the USA.

These pamphlets have sympathetic reports from Ashok Mitra of Daily Telegraph 5/16/1990, Dr. N. Y. Dole of Rashtra Seva Dal, Syed Shahabudin President Insaf party, reports from All India Revolutionary Students Federation Karnatka, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Secretary General, India’s People Front, Minoo Masani of Dalit Voice and retired Justice V. M Tarkunde.

In order to discredit Indian security apparatus in Kashmir, Separatists falsely accused Indian Army of rape which was at first accepted at face value and reported as such by the leftist Indian media.

In the last 18 years new generations of anti- Indian Mao- Islamists have been recruited to be the mouthpiece of radical Islamists operating under the secular garb. Some of them are Dr. Angana Chaterjee, Arundhati Roy, AS Aiyar etc. These pamphlets are used to give legitimacy to the point of view espoused by Pakistan funded secessionists outfits.

4. Worldwide Disinformation Campaign through Demonstrations, Symposiums and Tours

Pakistani ISI and Arab countries have organized and funded the formation of various organizations in Kashmir and around the world to coordinate demonstrations, organize symposiums and lectures to promote disinformation regarding human rights abuses by Indian security forces and project humane face of Islamic insurgency fighting for the liberation of Kashmir.

 Some of these organizations are: Muslim Welfare Society, Falah-I Am Trust, Dukhtarain-e-Millat in Kashmir and Kashmir American Council in Washington D. C, World Kashmir Movement in London, International Institute of Kashmir Studies in London, Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights in London etc. Amir of Jamat-i-Islami Pakistan Qazi Hussein frequently tours Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE in support of Independence of Kashmir and fund raising.

One of the earliest examples of disinformation campaign undertaken by Kashmiri Muslims and their secular allies in India was to deny that any atrocity or ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus had happened. All the blame for the exodus of 350,000 Hindus was laid on Governor Jag Mohan who according to them wanted Hindus out so that he could deal with the Islamic terrorists.

 Indo American Kashmir Forum has worked hard to debunk this canard through symposiums and workshops.

Another example of disinformation was the massacre of 35 Sikhs in Chittisingpora near Srinagar on 3/20/1990 by armed Islamic terrorists dressed in official Indian Army uniforms. Islamists and its allies in Indian media initially blamed Indian Army for the massacre which was proven not to be the case after detailed investigation by Barry Bearak of New York Times.

5. Task Forces, Petitions and Letter Writing Campaigns.

Faroukh Kathwari a prominent U. S based Kashmiri Muslim businessman has financed Kashmir Study Group composed of University Professors and U. S Diplomats to examine the situation in Kashmir and propose solutions. The Islamist Separatists have taken politicians, journalists and diplomats from various countries to visit Kashmir valley for propaganda purposes to show-case human rights abuses by Indian security forces.

 The cadres of Jamat-i-Islami along with Dukhtaran-i- Millat are used to spin horror stories with usual drama. Whenever there is a demonstration in the valley KAC, WKM get into action and activate their friends and sympathizers worldwide to write petitions and letters to the United Nations as well as various Government Agencies. Recent case of a petition to U.N by Dr. Angana Chaterjee against Jammu agitation in support of Amarnath Yatra is a good example.


Reacting to the demonstrations in Srinagar, a well known liberal Indian Columnists Swaminathan A. Aiyar in Times of India dated 8/17/08 wrote: “We promised Kashmiris a plebiscite six decades ago. Let us hold one now and give them three choices:

 independence, union with Pakistan and union with India. Almost certainly the Valley will opt for independence. Jammu will opt to stay with India and probably Laddhakh too. Let Kashmiris decide the outcome not the politicians and armies of India and Pakistan.”

On 8/19/08 Arundhati Roy commented to Times of India “India needs Azadi from Kashmir as much as Kashmir needs Azadi from India”

It is surprising that these Indian columnists who claim to be liberal, secularist have no problem to propose the dismemberment of India to appease and satisfy Islamist demands.

 It seems after sixty years of partition we Indians have learned nothing from Muslim mechanization of deceit through Taki’ya to create Pakistan which resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Hindus from West Punjab, Sindh and East Bengal.

 If we do not wake up it is only a matter of time that India will be partitioned into hundreds of small Muslim enclaves governed by Qura’nic Sharia laws, virtually no-go zones for Hindus and Indian security forces from where Indian Mujahdeen will be free to engage in murder and arson to terrorize Indians and demand freedom from the “Oppressive Hindus”.

 Recently Gen. (rtd.) S. K. Sinha, former Governor J&K gave an interview with Kallol Bhattacharjee, The Week 31/08/2008, which sums the challenge we face in Indian media. He said:

“There is an environment of religious intolerance in Kashmir. There was ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) from the state but no one talks about them. Kashmir has been Talibanized by the Separatists. The Secular lobby never condemns the communal politics of Syed Ali Shah Geelani”.

Hira Fotedar is Co-Founder and past President of IAKF (Indo-American Kashmir Forum). This paper was presented at the Sixth Annual Human Empowerment Conference in Chicago in October 2008 as a Case Study in manipulation of Indian media.
Islamization of Kashmir through Media Manipulation

© 2010 Faithfreedom.org. All Rights Reserved .

Alhand Bharat Varsha. (HINDUSTAN)

Why I write and Expose Islam & It’s Lies…Part 1

SOME TIMES BY;  SAM HINDU                              




I was born in remote village in Western  India near the sacred city Ambaji, in a poor non practicing brahmin family. There were quite a  few moslims in our village who worked  as tailor, barber and mason, Farmer etc.  But in my very early childhood days I never got chance to meet them or mingle with them.  


 One day I went to a weekly market to buy some vegetables with my younger  brother, then i would have been of 7 or 8 years old. There I noticed some unusual crowd  at the some distance from the main bazaar. My younger  brother, whom I was accompnying, hold my finger .We made our way to the street  and I saw a horrible thing, a strong man was butchering a poor lamb which was reeling under pain, and desperately trying to free itself from the grip of butcher.   

 ‘Let’s go, said my brother, I thought it would be  a snake charmer, but this was a butcher ?  what he was doing?  Asked my brother who was clearly looking upset, I  unwillingly replied ‘he is a Kasai ( butcher) and it is his profession’. ‘He was whispering some mambo jumbo ! why and what he was mumbling  and Horrible smell from meat and Bones and Blood made both of us feel like we were walking or standing near  Toilet.   

   I bewildered and  laughed, at Butcher that what a fool he was praying to his God, they call their God Allah’ . Why? again I whispered. ‘He is a Moslim and they call their God Allah’ Now keep quite I said  and my  annoyed brother pulled me to go Home.    

At second incident we all kids were playing Top and Gilli Danda and Marble in compound of school and confiding wall of school had some Moslim living or window of  Hall and some ugly-looking man with beard and no mustache wearing just a LUNGI was praying. ( I came to know NAMAZ ) after some time.    

The way he was Banging his head on earth made me  fable grafted and dumb found what the heck he was doing and made us kids laugh at stupid rituals and raising his ass.   

This was my first introduction to a muslim’s cruelty  and barbaric behaviour, those horrible images are still fresh in my mind. At the age of 8, I came to near by Big city  with my parents in search of some better life, here I met people from all walks  of life, there were some muslim friends also. There is a sizeable population of Moslims.    

 I invariably visited homes of my classmates whose parents or grand parents migrated to my city  during partition of India. and met my Best friend whose parents migrated from Pakistan after partition.    

They used to tell us horrible stories, that how women had been raped, children burnt alive men were cut into pieces. Large population was forced to convert to Islam at the pain of death. There are thousands of such muslims in Pakistan who are muslims against their wish, situation in Bangladesh and Kashmir is no different.   

 The present phase of Islamic jihad in India started in 1965, when India faught war with PAKISTAN IN BANGLADESH. In Kashmir. and when  Muhammad’s SO CALLED hair which was preserved in a shrine in Kashmir was stolen, NOW HOW THE HECK THAT HAIR CAME TO KASHMIR IS ANOTHER PROPAGANDA OF MUSLIMS AND IS ANOTHER SUBJECT TO WRITE.    

And some opportunists fueled it further by alleging Indian government of misconduct in electro process. Trained mullahs from pakistan, incited the hatred among locals, warning had been issued against Kashmiri pandits to immediately leave Kashmir, leaving behind their women and belongings. Pundits in Kashmir literally hunted down by the jihadists, their homes vandalised, women were raped, children and men were brutally murdered.   

 America and Britain were smiling on the Indian helplessness, little realising that this menace, will one day reach to their lands.
 In 1992 India got another setback, some ultra nationalists demolished the burned mosque at Ayodhya. This mosque was built by general Mir Banqi by razing the Ram temple in the 15th century. In Mumbai muslims vandalized several shops and killed several Hindus in retaliation, Hindus also counter attacked this madness continued over a month.Obviously muslims were at receiving end this time and  revenge of Hindu and  the rioting  Mumbai underworld took place, which is muslim dominated, carried out at large-scale bombings at Mumbai with the help of pakistan’s ISI.

With these  events rioting were became common. Again in 2003 a coach of a train was burnt by muslim fanatics, killing 59 pilgrims including children and women, the whole conspiracy was hatched in pakistan, and the culprits are still in pakistan under the safe patronage of ISI.   

 As was anticipated large rioting broke out in Gujarat claiming more than 2000 lives mostly muslims. To revenge the rioting student islamic movement of India along with Indian mujahideen in collaboration of Lashkar-e- taiba carried out a large-scale bombings over period of two or three years. While all these things happening around, I was busy at my studies, never bothered that why all these things happening.
In the last two decades India witnessed so much unnecessary bloodshed, because of Islamic Jihad and there is no hope of respite in the near future. It is not only Hindustan ( Bharat )  India which is feeling heat but Islamic Shit holes  countries like pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Ethopia, Uzbekistan, Krygistan etc. are hostage to Islamic Ideology, and people are killing each other absolutely for nothing. 

 In november 2008 after Mumbai carnage, i was compelled to come out of my comfort zone, I was more than willing to help my country to come out of this difficult phase. I was considering  ‘all’ the options available to me. But fortunately one day in 1999  I landed on the faith freedom international, after reading extensively I got new perspective about this problem, I learnt first time that it  is not the muslims but the devil ideology Islam is the real culprit. I would like to thank Dr Ali Sina  for correcting my way of thinking, today I find myself in better position to fight this curse ‘Islam’.   

I was the first few who started reading Dr. Ali Sina’s view when he started his web site and I read every word he wrote about Islam and His own Experience as Child and student in Pakistan and then Western world and his understanding of Cult called Islam and Moslim made my mind clear.   

Going back in to memory lane when I migrated to western world back in 1986 to England and during my student years there All the Muslims wanted to come to Europe leaving behind pathetic life and life style and wanted to make better future for their and theirs loved one.    

But once they started getting some sizeable population what I saw was hat instead of better life they were all thinking like real Moslims and wanted to make that beautiful country a shit hole like their mother land.. and that is when I started thinking and questioning motives and    ideology and started questioning and were trying to understand their mentality and inspiration behind zeal.   

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