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If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog) (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)


If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone's love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt's Blog)  If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell.If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in hell Here is a summary of what Islam has to offer to Muslim women: a. Men can keep unto 4 wives and as many sex-slaves as th … Read More 

via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog 

The Quarrel 

Although living with Mustafa proved to Irshad that he was neither a saint nor an angel she remained loyal to him and faithful to her Islamic faith. Somehow she showed blind eyes to all those abuses that Muslim women go through in a Muslim society. She always convinced herself that the problem was not with the Qur’an and the prophet but with the interpretations of those divine texts. Irshad believed that if those religious texts were subjected to better reading and understanding Muslim society would be an ideal society and Muslims would be like Brahmans as believed in Hinduism were gods on earth. Nevertheless, this blind belief of Irshad was shaken one day when she had a serious quarrel with her husband. 

The fight happened on a particular evening after the family returned from a celebration of a genital mutilation of twin sisters children of the age of five. The screaming and agony of those two little children when the midwife subjected them to that cruel and painful torture haunted the mind of Irshad as a horrifying nightmare. Therefore, when she reached home she talked to her husband about it and expressed her doubts about the authenticity of those hadiths that justified such cruel practice.

 When Mustafa as usual confronted her with two hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that no Muslim scholar would ever dare to doubt or question the authenticity of a hadith that mentioned in those two collections of the prophet sayings Irshad made a comment that turned Mustafa into a ferocious animal.

“May be the hadiths are right and the prophet Muhammad sanctioned the practice but genital mutilation is harmful and abusive to the woman,” said Irshad. 

“You want to tell me that our blessed prophet Muhammad sanctioned a practice that is harmful and abusive to the woman?” shouted Mustafa at the top of his voice. 

“While I was at the university I read many researches carried out by highly qualified scholars in this topic and all agreed that female genital Mutilation has bad consequences for Muslim women. I remember I read an article that states. “Female genital mutilation or cutting ‘involves the removal or the sealing of the labia majora and the labia minora together after the entire clitoris has been removed’ (Lois 1985: 115). Problems that result from female circumcision are ‘the woman is no more capable of normal sexual intercourse and childbearing. And no longer able to gratify her spouse’s appetite, she is cast out for a younger and healthier wife’ (Lois: 117).” 

 “I don’t care what those damned enemies of Islam have written about female circumcision. I am repeating my question for the last time, do you want to say that our blessed prophet Muhammad has commanded us to abuse and harm our women?” 

“What the prophet had allowed might be okay at that time but today scientific research proves that female genital mutilation is harmful to the women.” 

“Know you not that our blessed prophet does not speak out of himself but whatever he said was inspired by God? Do you not know that Islam is applicable in all times and places?” 

“I don’t know what you are trying to say but one thing I am sure about. This practice is barbaric, painful, and harms the women.” 

When Irshad finished the above sentence she felt as if a hammer hit her face. The blow of her husband hit her directly on the face. It was so powerful it sent her straight on the floor. Then, Irshad saw her husband jump over her body and begin to hammer her as if he was beating a dangerous animal and he wanted to subdue it before it attacked him further. When Mustafa felt tired of repeatedly beating the surrendered body of his wife he caught hold of her neck and began to strangle her. Irshad knew her end had come. The last thing Irshad could remember on that evening was the screaming of her little children dying away as she passed out. 



One Response

  1. […] poems is yet another proof that in the pre-Islamic culture of Arabia , Arabs respected their women,If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice bef…   listened to them and were inspired by them. Women were not dismissed as imbeciles or deficient […]


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